
охота на оленей

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "deer-stalking" в других словарях:

  • Deer stalking — For the hat associated with the sport, see Deerstalker. See also: Deer hunting Deer stalking is a British term for the stealthy pursuit of deer for sporting purposes, historically with dogs such as Scottish Deerhounds, or in modern times… …   Wikipedia

  • deer stalking — noun The hunting of deer by stalking, or stealing upon them unawares. One who deer stalks is known as a deer stalker …   Wiktionary

  • Stalking (disambiguation) — Stalking (meaning following or hunting ) can refer to several different things:General* Stalking, a legal term for repeated harassment and/or obsessive following of a person * Hunting of animals, where stalking is a method of pursuing prey by… …   Wikipedia

  • Deer hunting — Theodore Roosevelt in 1885 with his highly decorated deer skin hunting suit, and Tiffany carved hunting knife and rifle. See also: Deer stalking Main article: Hunting Deer hunting is survival hunting or sport hunting, harvesting …   Wikipedia

  • Stalking — For the stalking of deer, see deer stalking. For visiting near Chernobyl, see Chernobyl stalking. Stalking is a term commonly used to refer to unwanted and obsessive attention by an individual or group to another person. Stalking behaviors are… …   Wikipedia

  • Deer forest — For the park in Michigan, U.S., see Paw Paw Lake#Deer Forest. The deer forest (Gaelic: frìth) is an institution and phenomenon peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland. It denotes a sporting estate which is kept and managed largely or solely for the …   Wikipedia

  • Deer Commission for Scotland — The Deer Commission for Scotland was an executive non departmental body of the Scottish Government. It was responsible for the conservation, control and sustainable management of all species of wild deer in Scotland. It also acted as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Deer Stalker (Occupation) — In Scotland Deer Stalker is one on the interchangeable terms used to denote the occupation of a person who hunts deer, or assists another to, on estates in the Scottish Highlands.Other interchangeable terms for this occupation include: * Deer… …   Wikipedia

  • deer|stalk|er — «DIHR ST kuhr», noun. 1. a close fitting cap with earflaps, originally worn by hunters in stalking deer. It is the kind that Sherlock Holmes wore. 2. a person who stalks deer …   Useful english dictionary

  • deer|stalk|ing — «DIHR ST kihng», noun. the hunting of deer by stalking, especially by stealing within shooting range …   Useful english dictionary

  • deer — n. (pl. same) any four hoofed grazing animal of the family Cervidae, the males of which usu. have deciduous branching antlers. Phrases and idioms: deer fly any bloodsucking fly of the genus Chrysops. deer forest an extensive area of wild land… …   Useful english dictionary

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