deep sleep
Смотреть что такое "deep sleep" в других словарях:
Deep Sleep — (Эр Рияд,Саудовская Аравия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Yarmouk District, Mohamad Bin Mahmou … Каталог отелей
deep sleep — sound sleep, restful sleep, sleep like a log I was in a deep sleep when the fire started, but I woke up and phoned for help … English idioms
deep sleep — įmygis statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Gyvūnų aktyvumo sumažėjimas nepalankiu metų laiku. Būdingas tame pačiame areale gyvenantiems šiltakraujams ir šaltakraujams gyvūnams. Įmigę gyvūnai būna nejudrūs, nesimaitina, sulėtėja… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Deep Sleep Therapy — (or Deep Sedation Therapy, DST) was a psychiatric treatment based on the use of psychiatric drugs to induce a coma in patients diagnosed with mental disorder. Induction of deep sleep for psychiatric purposes was first tried by Scottish… … Wikipedia
Deep sleep therapy — (DST), also called prolonged sleep treatment or continuous narcosis, is a psychiatric treatment based on the use of psychiatric drugs to render patients unconscious for a period of days or weeks. Contents 1 History 2 Australian Chelmsford scandal … Wikipedia
Deep-Sleep Therapy and Barbiturates — (1922) (See also Barbiturates.) In 1920, Zurich Burghölzli psychiatrist Jakob Klaesi (1883–1980) began using a combination of two of Roche’s barbiturates for deep sleep therapy. The idea of putting patients into a therapeutic stupor was… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
deep-sleep therapy — /dip ˈslip θɛrəpi/ (say deep sleep theruhpee) noun a therapy, now discredited, for psychiatric disorders which relies on heavy sedation for long periods of time …
deep sleep — noun a) slow wave sleep; a state of sleep from which it is difficult to wake; stages 3 and 4 of non rapid eye movement sleep b) Artificially induced hibernation in humans for the purpose of long distance space travel. Syn: cataphor … Wiktionary
deep sleep — heavy profound sleep … English contemporary dictionary
deep sleep — NREM s … Medical dictionary
Технологии энергосбережения Enhanced Intel SpeedStep, Deep Sleep и Deeper Sleep — Разработки компании Intel для обеспечения экономичных режимов работы ноутбуков. Технология Enhanced Intel SpeedStep оптимизирует производительность приложений и энергопотребление, технологии Deep Sleep и Deeper Sleep увеличивают время работы… … Глоссарий терминов бытовой и компьютерной техники Samsung