Смотреть что такое "decumbently" в других словарях:
Decumbently — De*cum bent*ly, adv. In a decumbent posture. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
decumbently — decumˈbently adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑decumbent … Useful english dictionary
decumbent — decumbence, decumbency, n. decumbently, adv. /di kum beuhnt/, adj. 1. lying down; recumbent. 2. Bot. (of stems, branches, etc.) lying or trailing on the ground with the extremity tending to ascend. [1635 45; < L decumbent (s. of decumbens), prp.… … Universalium
decumbent — /dəˈkʌmbənt/ (say duh kumbuhnt) adjective 1. lying down; recumbent. 2. Botany (of stems, branches, etc.) lying or trailing on the ground with the extremity tending to ascend. {Latin dēcumbens, present participle} –decumbence, decumbency, noun… …