Decuman — Born 7th century Rhoscrowther, Pembrokeshire, Wales Died ca. 706 Major shrine Watchet, Somerset Feast 27 August … Wikipedia
decuman — DECUMÁN, Ă adj. (Ant.; despre pământuri) Care aparţinea statului roman şi pentru care colonii plăteau a zecea parte din venit. ♢ Poartă decumană = poartă a unui castru sau a unei tabere romane situată în partea opusă inamicului şi în dreptul… … Dicționar Român
Decuman — Dec u*man, a. [L. decumanus of the tenth, and by metonymy, large, fr. decem ten.] Large; chief; applied to an extraordinary billow, supposed by some to be every tenth in order. [R.] Also used substantively. Such decuman billows. Gauden. The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
decuman — /dek yoo meuhn/, adj. 1. large or immense, as a wave. 2. (in ancient Rome) of or pertaining to the tenth cohort of a legion. n. 3. Also called decuman gate. (in ancient Rome) the main gate of a military camp, facing away from the enemy and near… … Universalium
decuman — ˈdekyəmən adjective Etymology: Latin decumanus, decimanus of the tenth, large, from decumus, decimus tenth (from decem ten) + anus an more at ten 1. of a wave : extremely large … Useful english dictionary
decuman — adj. immense; chief … English contemporary dictionary
decuman — dec·u·man … English syllables
decuman wave — n. huge wave … English contemporary dictionary
Church of St Decuman, Watchet — Church of St Decuman … Wikipedia
Florence Wadham — Florence Wyndham (died 1596) was the daughter of Sir John Wadham of Merifield and sister of Nicholas Wadham founder of Wadham College, Oxford.Buried aliveHer fame rests on a remarkable escape from an horrific death and her singular importance to… … Wikipedia
Watchet — infobox UK place country= England static static image caption= View overlooking Watchet latitude= 51.1795 longitude= 3.3242 official name= Watchet population= 4,401 civil parish= Watchet shire district= West Somerset shire county= Somerset region … Wikipedia