decomposition of interval

decomposition of interval
мат. разбиение интервала

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "decomposition of interval" в других словарях:

  • Decomposition — For other uses, see Decomposition (disambiguation). A mummified rat. Stages of death Pallor mortis Algor mortis …   Wikipedia

  • Modular decomposition — In graph theory, the modular decomposition is a decomposition of an undirected graph into subsets of vertices called modules. A module is a generalization of a connected component of a graph. Unlike connected components, however, one module can… …   Wikipedia

  • Forensic entomological decomposition — One aspect of forensic entomology is the use of insect science in investigations of human deaths. A detailed background on the stages of decomposition and associated fauna is key to interpreting information such as postmortem interval. Forensic… …   Wikipedia

  • Microbiology of decomposition — Decomposing pig showing signs of bloat and discoloration, a result of microbial proliferation within the body. Microbiology of decomposition is the study of all microorganisms (mainly bacteria and fungi) involved in the chemical and physical… …   Wikipedia

  • JSJ decomposition — In mathematics, the JSJ decomposition, also known as the toral decomposition, is a topological construct given by the following theorem: Irreducible orientable closed (i.e., compact and without boundary) 3 manifolds have a unique (up to isotopy)… …   Wikipedia

  • Singular value decomposition — Visualization of the SVD of a 2 dimensional, real shearing matrix M. First, we see the unit disc in blue together with the two canonical unit vectors. We then see the action of M, which distorts the disk to an ellipse. The SVD decomposes M into… …   Wikipedia

  • Confidence interval — This article is about the confidence interval. For Confidence distribution, see Confidence Distribution. In statistics, a confidence interval (CI) is a particular kind of interval estimate of a population parameter and is used to indicate the… …   Wikipedia

  • Chemical process of decomposition — Human body composition Decomposition is a process that begins immediately after death and involves the destruction of soft tissue, leaving behind skeletonized remains. The chemical process of decomposition is complex and involves the breakdown of …   Wikipedia

  • Credible interval — Bayesian statistics Theory Bayesian probability Probability interpretations Bayes theorem Bayes rule · Bayes factor Bayesian inference Bayesian network Prior · Posterior · Likelihood …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic mode decomposition — Physical systems, such as fluid flow or mechanical vibrations, behave in characteristic patterns, known as modes. In a recirculating flow, for example, one may think of a hierarchy of vortices, a big main vortex driving smaller secondary ones and …   Wikipedia

  • Postmortem interval — Post mortem interval (PMI) is the time that has elapsed since a person has died. If the time in question is not known, a number of medical/scientific techniques are used to determine it.Many types of changes to a body occur after death. Some of… …   Wikipedia

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