Смотреть что такое "decompile" в других словарях:
decompile — The conversion of object code into source code by a computer program specifically designed for the purpose. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. 2010 … Law dictionary
decompile — verb To recreate the original source code from a compiled executable. See Also: decompiler … Wiktionary
decompile — … Useful english dictionary
Decompiler — A decompiler is the name given to a computer program that performs, as far as possible, the reverse operation to that of a compiler. That is, it translates a file containing information at a relatively low level of abstraction (usually designed… … Wikipedia
Microsoft Compiled HTML Help — Filename extension .chm Internet media type application/x chm Developed by Microsoft Initial release 1997 Extended to .lit … Wikipedia
PCBoard Programming Executable — PCBoard Programming Executables (known as PPEs) were used to modify and enhance bulletin board systems running PCBoard. They were programmed in PCBoard Programming Language (PPL). PPL itself is a lot like the BASIC programming language, but… … Wikipedia
Jupiter Ace — Infobox computer Photo = Type = Home computer Released = 1982 Discontinued = 1984 Processor = Z80 @ 3.5 MHz and equivalent Memory = 1 KB (Max=49 KB) OS = ACE FORTHThe Jupiter Ace was a British home computer of the early 1980s, produced by a… … Wikipedia
Software cracking — is the modification of software to remove or disable features which are considered undesirable by the person cracking the software, usually related to protection methods: copy protection, trial/demo version, serial number, hardware key, date… … Wikipedia
Common Intermediate Language — For the counterpart to compiled assembly in the Microsoft .NET framework, see .NET assembly. Common Intermediate Language (CIL, pronounced either sil or kil ) (formerly called Microsoft Intermediate Language or MSIL) is the lowest level human… … Wikipedia
Visual Basic .NET — Paradigm(s) Structured, imperative, object oriented and declarative Appeared in 2001 Designed by Micro … Wikipedia
HP-49 series — The HP 49G series are Hewlett Packard (HP) manufactured graphing calculators. They are the successors of the HP 48 series, one of the best selling calculator ranges among engineers, scientists, and students.There are now four calculators in the… … Wikipedia