decline in value
Смотреть что такое "decline in value" в других словарях:
decline — [n1] lessening abatement, backsliding, comedown, cropper*, decay, decrepitude, degeneracy, degeneration, descent, deterioration, devolution, diminution, dissolution, dive, downfall, downgrade, downturn, drop, dwindling, ebb, ebbing, enfeeblement … New thesaurus
Value America — or VA was a dot com company founded in Nevada in 1996Perine, Keith. [ m0HWW/is 33 3/ai 66682364 An American Dream Gone Bad ] , The Industry Standard , August 28, 2000. Retrieved September 10, 2007.] by Craig… … Wikipedia
decline — [dē klīn′, diklīn′] vi. declined, declining [ME declinen < OFr decliner, to bend, turn aside < L declinare, to bend from, inflect < de , from (see DE ) + clinare, to bend: see LEAN1] 1. to bend, turn, or slope downward or aside 2. a) … English World dictionary
decline — I noun abatement, act of crumbling, act of dwindling, act of falling away, act of lessening, act of losing ground, act of shrinking, act of slipping back, act of wasting away, act of weakening, act of worsening, atrophy, backward step, cheapening … Law dictionary
decline — ► VERB 1) become smaller, weaker, or less in quality or quantity. 2) politely refuse. 3) (especially of the sun) move downwards. 4) Grammar form (a noun, pronoun, or adjective) according to case, number, and gender. ► NOUN ▪ a gradual and… … English terms dictionary
decline — ▪ I. decline de‧cline 1 [dɪˈklaɪn] verb [intransitive] 1. COMMERCE if an industry or country declines, it becomes less profitable, productive, wealthy etc: • This type of business is a declining sector of the UK. 2 … Financial and business terms
decline — Synonyms and related words: abate, abatement, abjure, ablate, abstain, abstain from, age, analyze, anility, arrear, arrearage, arrears, ascend, asking price, avoid, backslide, backsliding, balk, bank, bate, be eaten away, be found wanting, be… … Moby Thesaurus
decline — decliner, n. /di kluyn /, v., declined, declining, n. v.t. 1. to withhold or deny consent to do, enter into or upon, etc.; refuse: He declined to say more about it. 2. to express inability or reluctance to accept; refuse with courtesy: to decline … Universalium
Decline — When a security s price falls in value over a given trading day and subsequently closes at a lower value than its opening price. A decline can happen for any number of reasons, including a reduction in the firm s intrinsic value, or as a result… … Investment dictionary
Decline of the Roman Empire — This article is about the historiography of the decline of the Roman Empire. For a description of events, see Roman Empire. For the book by Edward Gibbon, see The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. For the film, see The Fall of… … Wikipedia
decline — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ catastrophic, considerable, dramatic, drastic, large, major, marked, massive, serious, severe … Collocations dictionary