- declassify
- di:ˈklæsɪfaɪ гл. рассекречивать (документы, материалы) рассекречивать (материалы, документы и т. п.) declassify дисквалифицировать ~ рассекречивать (документы, материалы)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
declassify — v. to lift the restriction on publication [of documents] by reducing or eliminating the secrecy classification of. Note: usually applied to government documents classified as secret Syn: make available again. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
declassify — 1865, originally a term in logic; with reference to state secrets, 1946; from DE (Cf. de ) + CLASSIFY (Cf. classify). Related: Declassification; declassified; declassifying … Etymology dictionary
declassify — [v] open to the public display, exhibit, make available, make public, publicize, show; concept 261 … New thesaurus
declassify — ► VERB (declassifies, declassified) ▪ officially declare (information or documents) to be no longer secret. DERIVATIVES declassification noun … English terms dictionary
declassify — ☆ declassify [dē klas′ə fī΄, dē′klas′ə fī΄] vt. declassified, declassifying to remove (governmental documents, reports, etc.) from secret or restricted classifications declassification n … English World dictionary
declassify — transitive verb Date: 1945 to remove or reduce the security classification of < declassify a secret document > • declassification noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
declassify — verb Declassify is used with these nouns as the object: ↑document … Collocations dictionary
declassify — išslaptinti statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Panaikinti įslaptintos medžiagos saugumo klasifikaciją. atitikmenys: angl. declassify pranc. déclassifier ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – sumažinti slaptumą … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
declassify — To cancel the security classification of an item of classified matter. Also called DECL. See also downgrade … Military dictionary
declassify — declassifiable, adj. declassification /dee klas euh fi kay sheuhn/, n. /dee klas euh fuy /, v.t., declassified, declassifying. to remove the classification from (information, a document, etc.) that restricts access in terms of secrecy,… … Universalium
declassify — verb to remove the classification from; to lift the restrictions on … Wiktionary