declarative statement

declarative statement
оператор описания, описатель

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "declarative statement" в других словарях:

  • declarative — declaratively, adv. /di klar euh tiv/, adj. serving to declare, make known, or explain: a declarative statement. Also, declaratory /di klar euh tawr ee, tohr ee/. [1530 40; < L declarativus explanatory, equiv. to declarat(us) (see DECLARATION) +… …   Universalium

  • Declarative memory — (sometimes referred to as explicit memory) is one of two types of long term human memory. It refers to memories which can be consciously recalled such as facts and knowledge.[1] Its counterpart is known as non declarative or Procedural memory,… …   Wikipedia

  • declarative — [dē kler′ə tiv, dikler′ə tiv] adj. [LL declarativus: see DECLARE] making a statement or assertion [a declarative sentence] declaratively adv …   English World dictionary

  • declarative — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of the nature of a declaration. 2) (of a sentence or phrase) taking the form of a simple statement …   English terms dictionary

  • Statement (logic) — In the area of mathematics called symbolic logic a statement is a declarative sentence that is either true or false.Examples of statements:* Socrates is a man. * A triangle has three sides. * Paris is the capital of England. The first two… …   Wikipedia

  • declarative — de|clar|a|tive [dıˈklærətıv] adj a declarative sentence has the form of a statement …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • declarative — de|clar|a|tive [ dı klerətıv ] adjective LINGUISTICS a declarative sentence is expressed as a statement …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • declarative — adjective technical a declarative sentence has the form of a statement …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • declarative — UK [dɪˈklærətɪv] / US [dɪˈklerətɪv] adjective linguistics a declarative sentence is expressed as a statement …   English dictionary

  • declarative — /dəˈklærətɪv/ (say duh klaruhtiv) adjective 1. serving to declare, make clear, or assert; declaratory. 2. Grammar a. designating a sentence which functions as a statement, as opposed to a question or command. b. designating the mood of the verb… …  

  • declarative — [dɪ klarətɪv] adjective of the nature of or making a declaration. ↘Grammar (of a sentence or phrase) taking the form of a simple statement. Derivatives declaratively adverb …   English new terms dictionary

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