decked out
Смотреть что такое "decked out" в других словарях:
decked out — 1 : dressed in a very fancy way We got all decked out for the occasion. often + in She was decked out in furs. guys decked out in fancy tuxedos She was all decked out in a new dress. 2 : decorated in a fancy way often + … Useful english dictionary
Decked Out — is a Canadian home renovation television series, which airs on HGTV Canada. Hosted by Paul Lafrance, a contractor who owns Cutting Edge Construction and Design in Pickering, Ontario,[1] each episode depicts Lafrance and his team designing and… … Wikipedia
decked out — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Dressed in fancy clothes; specially decorated for some festive occasion. * /The school band was decked out in bright red uniforms with brass buttons./ * /Main Street was decked with flags for the Fourth of July./ … Dictionary of American idioms
decked out — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Dressed in fancy clothes; specially decorated for some festive occasion. * /The school band was decked out in bright red uniforms with brass buttons./ * /Main Street was decked with flags for the Fourth of July./ … Dictionary of American idioms
decked\ out — adj. phr. informal Dressed in fancy clothes; specially decorated for some festive occasion. The school band was decked out in bright red uniforms with brass buttons. Main Street was decked with flags for the Fourth of July … Словарь американских идиом
decked out — dressed in fancy clothes She was all decked out in her best clothes for the party … Idioms and examples
decked — adj. clothed or adorned with finery. Syn: adorned(predicate), bedecked(predicate)(predicate), decked out(predicate). [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
all decked out — See deck out … English idioms
out — I. adverb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ūt; akin to Old High German ūz out, Greek hysteros later, Sanskrit ud up, out Date: before 12th century 1. a. (1) in a direction away from the inside or center < went out into the garden > (2) … New Collegiate Dictionary
be decked out — decorate or dress attractively. → deck … English new terms dictionary
deck out — verb put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive (Freq. 1) She never dresses up, even when she goes to the opera The young girls were all fancied up for the party • Syn: ↑overdress, ↑dress up, ↑fig out, ↑fig up, ↑ … Useful english dictionary