- decision theor
- мат. теория принятия решений
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Collective animal behavior — Sort sol. Starling flock at sunset in Denmark Collective animal behavior describes the coordinated behavior of large groups of similar animals and the emergent properties of these groups. Facets of this topic include the costs and benefits of… … Wikipedia
Game complexity — Combinatorial game theory has several ways of measuring game complexity. This article describes five of them: state space complexity, game tree size, decision complexity, game tree complexity, and computational complexity. Contents 1 Measures of… … Wikipedia
Complejidad en los juegos — Este artículo o sección sobre ocio necesita ser wikificado con un formato acorde a las convenciones de estilo. Por favor, edítalo para que las cumpla. Mientras tanto, no elimines este aviso puesto el 11 de junio de 2008. También puedes ayudar… … Wikipedia Español
Debabrata Basu — (Bengali: দেবব্রত বসু) (5 July 1924 – 24 March 2001) was a mathematical statistician who made fundamental contributions to the foundations of statistics. Basu invented simple examples that displayed some difficulties of likelihood based… … Wikipedia
Francisco Antônio Dória — Francisco Antônio de Moraes Accioli Dória (born 1945, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is a Brazilian mathematician, philosopher, and noted genealogist. Francisco Antônio Dória received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University at Rio… … Wikipedia
mon- — mon(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. monos « seul, unique ». mon(o) élément, du gr. monos, seul . ⇒MON(O) , (MON , MONO )élém. formant I. Élém. tiré du gr. , de «seul, unique», entrant dans la constr. de nombreux mots sc. ou techn., subst. ou adj., un… … Encyclopédie Universelle
mono- — mon(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. monos « seul, unique ». ● mono Préfixe, du grec monos, seul, entrant dans la composition de nombreux mots. (En chimie, placé devant le nom d un atome ou d un radical, mono précise que cet atome ou ce radical ne sont fixés … Encyclopédie Universelle
suspension — [ syspɑ̃sjɔ̃ ] n. f. • suspenciun « délai, incertitude » 1170; lat. suspensio, de suspendere I ♦ Le fait de suspendre (I), d interrompre ou d interdire; son résultat. 1 ♦ Vx ou dr. (sauf dans des loc.) Interruption ou remise à plus tard. La… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ruiner — 1. (ru i né) v. a. 1° Mettre en ruine, démolir, détruire. • On se dispose à mettre une batterie sur l ouvrage à corne, pour ruiner leurs remparts qui sont peu de chose, PELLISSON Lett. hist. t. I, p. 341. • Scipion Aemilien rétablissait la… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Many-worlds interpretation — The quantum mechanical Schrödinger s cat paradox according to the many worlds interpretation. In this interpretation every event is a branch point; the cat is both alive and dead, even before the box is opened, but the alive and dead cats are in… … Wikipedia
Evolution — This article is about evolution in biology. For other uses, see Evolution (disambiguation). For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to evolution. Part of a series on … Wikipedia