decision at issue
Смотреть что такое "decision at issue" в других словарях:
DÉCISION — La réflexion moderne sur la question de savoir quel parti prendre lorsqu’on se trouve confronté à un choix difficile a été esquissée pour la première fois par Blaise Pascal, au XVIIe siècle, dans le fameux texte du «pari» sur l’entrée dans la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Decision theory — in economics, psychology, philosophy, mathematics, and statistics is concerned with identifying the values, uncertainties and other issues relevant in a given decision, its rationality, and the resulting optimal decision. It is closely related to … Wikipedia
issue — is·sue 1 / i ˌshü, ˌsyü/ n 1 pl: proceeds from a source of revenue (as an estate) rents, issue s, and profits 2: one or more lineal descendants died without issue compare … Law dictionary
Decision table — Decision tables are a precise yet compact way to model complicated logic.[1] Decision tables, like flowcharts and if then else and switch case statements, associate conditions with actions to perform, but in many cases do so in a more elegant way … Wikipedia
decision — de·ci·sion /di si zhən/ n: an authoritative determination (as a decree or judgment) made after consideration of facts or law; also: a report or document containing such a determination see also memorandum decision compare disposition, finding … Law dictionary
Decision-making software — (DMS) is a term integrating decision analysis tools to facilitate a person s decision making process, which results in a choice of a course of action or a variant among several alternatives. DMS belongs to the class of decision support systems… … Wikipedia
Decision Games — is a wargaming company, founded by Christopher Cummins, that publishes Strategy Tactics magazine. The company has bought the rights to many Simulations Publications, Inc. games and is reprinting many of them, as well as creating new, original… … Wikipedia
Decision — De*ci sion, n. [L. decisio, fr. dec[=i]dere, decisum: cf. F. d[ e]cision. See {Decide}.] 1. Cutting off; division; detachment of a part. [Obs.] Bp. Pearson. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of deciding; act of settling or terminating, as a controversy,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
issue — [ish′o͞o; ] chiefly Brit [ is′yo͞o] n. [OFr pp. of issir, to go out < L exire < ex , out + ire, to go: see YEAR] 1. an outgoing; outflow; passing out 2. Archaic a way out; exit; outlet 3. a result; consequence; upshot 4. offspring; a child… … English World dictionary
Decision Liberte d'association — Décision Liberté d association Droit constitutionnel | Constitutions françaises : Histoire constitutionnelle … de 1791 · texte · Monar … Wikipédia en Français
Décision Liberté D'association — Droit constitutionnel | Constitutions françaises : Histoire constitutionnelle … de 1791 · texte · Monar … Wikipédia en Français