decimal calculus

decimal calculus
мат. десятичное исчисление

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "decimal calculus" в других словарях:

  • Decimal — For other uses, see Decimal (disambiguation). This article aims to be an accessible introduction. For the mathematical definition, see Decimal representation. Numeral systems by culture Hindu Arabic numerals Western Arabic (Hindu numerals)… …   Wikipedia

  • Développement décimal de l'unité — En mathématiques, le développement décimal périodique qui s écrit , que l on dénote encore par , ou , représente un nombre réel dont on peut montrer que c e …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Timeline of calculus and mathematical analysis — A timeline of calculus and mathematical analysis 1000 to 1500 * 1020 Abul Wáfa Discussed the quadrature of the parabola and the volume of the paraboloid. * 1021 Ibn al Haytham completes his Book of Optics , which formulated and solved “Alhazen s… …   Wikipedia

  • Dewey Decimal Classification — For the similar sounding base 12 numeral system, see Duodecimal. Dewey Decimal Classification, (also called the Dewey Decimal System) is a proprietary system of library classification developed by Melvil Dewey in 1876.[1] It has been greatly… …   Wikipedia

  • Rod calculus — or rod calculation is the method of mathematical computation with counting rods in China from The Warring States to Ming dynasty before the counting rods were replaced by more convenient and faster abacus.HardwareThe basic equipment for carrying… …   Wikipedia

  • Simon Stevin —     Simon Stevin     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Simon Stevin     Born at Bruges in 1548; died at Leyden in 1620. He was for some years book keeper in a business house at Antwerp; later he secured employment in the administration of the Franc of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… …   Universalium

  • Indian mathematics — mdash;which here is the mathematics that emerged in South Asia from ancient times until the end of the 18th century mdash;had its beginnings in the Bronze Age Indus Valley civilization (2600 1900 BCE) and the Iron Age Vedic culture (1500 500 BCE) …   Wikipedia

  • 0.999... — In mathematics, the repeating decimal 0.999... (which may also be written as 0.9, , 0.(9), or as 0. followed by any number of 9s in the repeating decimal) denotes a real number that can be shown to be the number one. In other words, the symbols 0 …   Wikipedia

  • History of mathematics — A proof from Euclid s Elements, widely considered the most influential textbook of all time.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Timeline of mathematics — A timeline of pure and applied mathematics history. Contents 1 Before 1000 BC 2 1st millennium BC 3 1st millennium AD 4 1000–1500 …   Wikipedia

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