decidable predicate
Смотреть что такое "decidable predicate" в других словарях:
Monadic predicate calculus — In logic, the monadic predicate calculus is the fragment of predicate calculus in which all predicate letters are monadic (that is, they take only one argument), and there are no function letters. All atomic formulae have the form P(x), where P… … Wikipedia
Μ-recursive function — In mathematical logic and computer science, the μ recursive functions are a class of partial functions from natural numbers to natural numbers which are computable in an intuitive sense. In fact, in computability theory it is shown that the μ… … Wikipedia
Church–Turing thesis — Church s thesis redirects here. For the constructive mathematics assertion, see Church s thesis (constructive mathematics). In computability theory, the Church–Turing thesis (also known as the Church–Turing conjecture, Church s thesis, Church s… … Wikipedia
Gödel's incompleteness theorems — In mathematical logic, Gödel s incompleteness theorems, proved by Kurt Gödel in 1931, are two theorems stating inherent limitations of all but the most trivial formal systems for arithmetic of mathematical interest. The theorems are of… … Wikipedia
History of the Church-Turing thesis — This article is an extension of the history of the Church Turing thesis.The debate and discovery of the meaning of computation and recursion has been long and contentious. This article provides detail of that debate and discovery from Peano s… … Wikipedia
History of the Church–Turing thesis — This article is an extension of the history of the Church–Turing thesis. The debate and discovery of the meaning of computation and recursion has been long and contentious. This article provides detail of that debate and discovery from Peano s… … Wikipedia
Algorithm characterizations — The word algorithm does not have a generally accepted definition. Researchers are actively working in formalizing this term. This article will present some of the characterizations of the notion of algorithm in more detail. This article is a… … Wikipedia
Bounded quantifier — In the study of formal theories in mathematical logic, bounded quantifiers are often added to a language. These are two quantifiers in addition to forall and exists. They are motivated by the fact that determining whether a sentence with only… … Wikipedia
formal logic — the branch of logic concerned exclusively with the principles of deductive reasoning and with the form rather than the content of propositions. [1855 60] * * * Introduction the abstract study of propositions, statements, or assertively used … Universalium
logic, history of — Introduction the history of the discipline from its origins among the ancient Greeks to the present time. Origins of logic in the West Precursors of ancient logic There was a medieval tradition according to which the Greek philosopher … Universalium
Decidability (logic) — In logic, the term decidable refers to the decision problem, the question of the existence of an effective method for determining membership in a set of formulas. Logical systems such as propositional logic are decidable if membership in their… … Wikipedia