decentralized network

decentralized network
децентрализованная сеть

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "decentralized network" в других словарях:

  • Decentralized network 42 — (also known as dn42) is a decentralized peer to peer network built using VPNs and software BGP routers. While other Darknets try to establish anonymity for their participants, that is not what dn42 is aiming for. It is a network to explore… …   Wikipedia

  • Decentralized computing — is the allocation of resources, both hardware and software, to each individual workstation, or office location. In contrast, centralized computing exists when the majority of functions are carried out, or obtained from a remote centralized… …   Wikipedia

  • Network-Centric Service-Oriented Enterprise (NCSOE) — is a new generation enterprise capable of conducting collaboration and management of internal and external information. Using Network Centric Enterprise Services (NCES) , the enterprise can now enforce information and decision superiority in a… …   Wikipedia

  • Network media — (sometimes referred to as networked media) refers to media mainly used in computer networks such as the Internet. Network media is essentially driven by technological development, emerging from the internet as a non centralized medium in the late …   Wikipedia

  • Decentralized object location and routing — In computer science, Decentralized Object Location and Routing (DOLR) is a scalable, location independent routing technology [1]. It uses location independent names, or aliases, for each node in the network, and it is an example of peer to peer… …   Wikipedia

  • Network topology — Diagram of different network topologies. Network topology is the layout pattern of interconnections of the various elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer[1][2] …   Wikipedia

  • Network neutrality — This article is about the general principle of network neutrality. For its specific application to Canada, see Network neutrality in Canada. For its application to the U.S., see Network neutrality in the United States. Network Neutrality Related… …   Wikipedia

  • Network society — The term Network Society describes several different phenomena related to the social, political, economic and cultural changes caused by the spread of networked, digital information and communications technologies. A number of academics (see… …   Wikipedia

  • Network Analysis and Ethnographic Problems — 3 D Graphic of Relinking Marriages among Nomad Kin, color coded by generations. Nodes are couples not individuals, so where downward lines meet it is a relative that is married. This is called relinking. The relinking structure and dynamic is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Decentralized Market — A market structure that consists of a network of various technical devices that enable investors to create a marketplace without a centralized location. In a decentralized market, technology provides investors with access to various bids/ask… …   Investment dictionary

  • Distributed Transient Network — (DTN) is defined as: the type of network which is inherently decentralized by nature and consists mainly of nodes which are not per se constantly a part of the network and are able to join or leave at any time at any place in the network. It is a …   Wikipedia

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