deceitful person

deceitful person
лживый человек

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "deceitful person" в других словарях:

  • deceitful — deceitfully, adv. deceitfulness, n. /di seet feuhl/, adj. 1. given to deceiving: A deceitful person cannot keep friends for long. 2. intended to deceive; misleading; fraudulent: a deceitful action. [1400 50; late ME; see DECEIT, FUL] Syn. 1.… …   Universalium

  • deceitful — adj. 1 (of a person) using deceit, esp. habitually. 2 (of an act, practice, etc.) intended to deceive. Derivatives: deceitfully adv. deceitfulness n …   Useful english dictionary

  • Das Herz ist eine hinterlistige Person — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel: The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things Originaltitel: The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things Produktionsland: USA Erscheinungsjahr: 2004 Länge: ca. 97 Minuten Originalsprache …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • deceive — 01. No one was [deceived] by her obvious lies. 02. The fighter plane was able to use an electronic jamming system to [deceive] the enemy radar. 03. A strange bounce [deceived] the goalkeeper, who could only watch as the ball sailed over his head …   Grammatical examples in English

  • phony — phonily, adv. phoniness, n. /foh nee/, adj., phonier, phoniest, n., pl. phonies, v., phonied, phonying. adj. 1. not real or genuine; fake; counterfeit: a phony diamond. 2. false or deceiving; not truthful; concocted: a phony explanation. 3.… …   Universalium

  • de|ceit´ful|ness — de|ceit|ful «dih SEET fuhl», adjective. 1. ready or willing to deceive or lie: »A liar is a deceitful person. SYNONYM(S): insincere, disingenuous. 2. meant to deceive; deceiving; misleading: »She told a deceitful story to avoid punishment.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • de|ceit´ful|ly — de|ceit|ful «dih SEET fuhl», adjective. 1. ready or willing to deceive or lie: »A liar is a deceitful person. SYNONYM(S): insincere, disingenuous. 2. meant to deceive; deceiving; misleading: »She told a deceitful story to avoid punishment.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • de|ceit|ful — «dih SEET fuhl», adjective. 1. ready or willing to deceive or lie: »A liar is a deceitful person. SYNONYM(S): insincere, disingenuous. 2. meant to deceive; deceiving; misleading: »She told a deceitful story to avoid punishment. SYNONYM(S) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bollard — This interesting surname with variant spellings Ballard, Bollaert, Bullard, Bouillard and Bolleart has two possible origins. Firstly, it may be from the old French boule meaning round or bare and with the suffix ard could be translated as one who …   Surnames reference

  • hoser — n American 1. a fraud, deceitful person, cheat 2. a promiscuous person, usually female Both senses of the term are found in the vocabulary of high school and college stu dents. The etymology of the word is not certain, but probably derives from… …   Contemporary slang

  • snake in the grass — treacherous person, dangerous and deceitful person …   English contemporary dictionary

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