- decay rate
1. скорость распада
2. скорость разложения (вещества)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
decay rate — skilimo sparta statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. decay rate; disintegration rate vok. Zerfallsgeschwindigkeit, f rus. скорость распада, f pranc. vitesse de désintégration, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
pulse decay rate — impulso kritimo sparta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. pulse decay rate vok. Impulshinterflankensteilkeit, f rus. крутизна среза импульса, f pranc. pente de décroissance, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
radioactive decay rate — radioaktyviojo skilimo greitis statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Radioaktyviųjų medžiagų skilimo per tam tikrą laiką greitis. atitikmenys: angl. radioactive decay rate rus. скорость радиоактивного распада … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas
radioactive decay rate — radioaktyviojo skilimo greitis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Radioaktyviųjų medžiagų skilimo greitis per tam tikrą laiką. atitikmenys: angl. radioactive decay rate pranc. taux de décroissance de la radioactivité … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Change of decay rate — The change of radioactive decay in different environments has fundamental significance, as well as application in nuclear physics, astrophysics, geology and condensed matter physics, such as study is of current interests.Electron capture decay… … Wikipedia
radioactive decay rate — The time rate of the disintegration of radioactive material generally accompanied by the emission of particles and/or gamma radiation … Military dictionary
decay constant — Physics. the reciprocal of the decay time. Also called decay rate, disintegration constant. [1930 35] * * * ▪ nuclear physics proportionality between the size of a population of radioactive atoms and the rate at which the population… … Universalium
decay constant — noun : the constant ratio of the number of radioactive atoms disintegrating in any specified short unit interval of time to the total number of atoms of the same kind still intact at the beginning of that interval * * * Physics. the reciprocal of … Useful english dictionary
Decay theory — proposes that memory fades due to the mere passage of time. Information is therefore less available for later retrieval as time passes and memory, as well as memory strength, wears away.[1] When we learn something new, a neurochemical “memory… … Wikipedia
decay — vb Decay, decompose, rot, putrefy, spoil, disintegrate, crumble mean to undergo or, in some cases, to cause something to undergo destructive dissolution. Decay implies change, commonly a natural and gradual change, from a state of soundness or… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Rate equation — The rate law or rate equation for a chemical reaction is an equation that links the reaction rate with concentrations or pressures of reactants and constant parameters (normally rate coefficients and partial reaction orders).[1] To determine the… … Wikipedia