Смотреть что такое "decartelization" в других словарях:
Decartelization — is the transition of a national economy from monopoly control by groups of large businesses, known as cartels, to a free market economy. This change rarely arises naturally, and is generally the result of regulation by a governing body. A modern… … Wikipedia
decartelization — (Amer.) de·car·tel·i·za·tion || diË‚kÉ‘ËtÉ™laɪ zeɪʃn n. dismantling of a cartel, breakdown of a cartel (also decartelisation) … English contemporary dictionary
decartelization — n. * * * … Universalium
decartelization — de·cartelization … English syllables
decartelization — (|)dē+ noun : the act or process of decartelizing … Useful english dictionary
decartelizations — decartelization (Amer.) de·car·tel·i·za·tion || diË‚kÉ‘ËtÉ™laɪ zeɪʃn n. dismantling of a cartel, breakdown of a cartel (also decartelisation) … English contemporary dictionary
Potsdam Conference — The Potsdam Conference was held at Cecilienhof, the home of Crown Prince Wilhelm Hohenzollern, in Potsdam, Germany, from July 16, 1945 to August 2. The participants were the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The three… … Wikipedia
Dekartellierung — (amerikanisierend: ‚Dekartellisierung’)[1] ist eine staatliche Politik zur Auflösung von Kartellstrukturen in der Wirtschaft. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2 Umsetzung in Deutschland 3 Umsetzung im Ausland … Deutsch Wikipedia
Morgenthau Plan — The Morgenthau Plan showing the planned partitioning of Germany into a North State, a South State, and an International zone. Areas in grey are areas intended for control by France, Poland and the USSR … Wikipedia
James Martin — or Jim Martin may refer to: Contents 1 Actors, musicians, and other performers 2 Jurists 3 Politicians … Wikipedia
Petersberg Agreement — The Petersberg Agreement is an international treaty that extended the rights of the Federal Government of Germany vis a vis the occupying forces of Britain, France, and the United States, and is viewed as the first major step of Federal Republic… … Wikipedia