Смотреть что такое "decarch" в других словарях:
decarch — n. member of decarchy; commander over ten. ♦ decarchy, n. rule by or ruling body of ten persons … Dictionary of difficult words
decarch — … Useful english dictionary
Temple of Apollo Sosianus — The Temple of Apollo Sosianus (previously known as the Apollinar and the temple of Apollo Medicus [In Greek it appears as Ἀπολλώνιον, the Apollonion Cass. Dio frg. 50.1] ) is a Roman temple dedicated to Apollo in the Campus Martius, next to the… … Wikipedia
Pagi, Greece — Pagoi or Pagi (Greek: Πάγοι) also with an a accented is a town in the northern part of the island of Corfu. It it also in the municipality of Agios Georgios. Its 2001 population was 380 for the village and 676 for the municipal district.… … Wikipedia
Prinyla — or Prinila, also ending with s (Greek: Πρινύλας) also with an y or a second i accented is a town in the northwestern part of the island of Corfu, Greece. It it also in the municipality of Agios Georgios. Its 2001 population was 92 for the… … Wikipedia
dekarch — see decarch … Dictionary of difficult words