decant juice
Смотреть что такое "decant juice" в других словарях:
Loud (Rihanna album) — Loud … Wikipedia
Tea — For other uses, see Tea (disambiguation). Tea Longjing tea being infused in a glass … Wikipedia
biochemistry — biochemical /buy oh kem i keuhl/, adj., n. biochemic, adj. biochemically, adv. biochemist, n. /buy oh kem euh stree/, n. 1. the science dealing with the chemistry of living matter. 2. the chemistry of living matter. [1880 85; BIO + CHEMISTRY] … Universalium
Loud — Álbum de estudio de Rihanna Publicación 12 de noviembre de 2010 Grabación febrero agosto de 2010 Género(s) Pop R b Dan … Wikipedia Español
milk — Synonyms and related words: abridge, abuse, alabaster, bed, bed down, bereave, beverage, bleed, bleed white, blood, break, bridle, broach, brush, butter, buttermilk, certified milk, chalk, cheese, chyle, colostrum, condensed milk, cream, curry,… … Moby Thesaurus
wine — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. the grape; drink, liquor; drinking, intoxication; stimulant, alcohol; nectar. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. wine colored, maroon, dark red, grape; see red . n. Varieties of wine include: fine, sparkling … English dictionary for students
milk — n 1. cream, cow s milk, goat s milk, beestings, breast milk, mother s milk, kumiss; whey, curds, junket, buttermilk, skim milk; bonnyclabber, posset, Fine Arts. casein. 2. latex, sap, juice, fluid. v 3. extract, remove, draw out, draw off, siphon … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder