debug service
Смотреть что такое "debug service" в других словарях:
Service-oriented architecture implementation framework — Service oriented architectures (SOA) are based on the notion of software services, which are high level software components that include web services. Implementation of an SOA requires tools as well as run time infrastructure software. This is… … Wikipedia
Java Authentication and Authorization Service — Сервис Аутентификации и Авторизации Java (англ. Java Authentication and Authorization Service, сокр. JAAS) реализация в языке программирования Java стандарта системы информационной безопасности PAM.[1] JAAS была представлена как… … Википедия
Software As A Service - SaaS — A cloud computing approach to providing users with computer applications. Instead of each user having to install the software on his computer, the user is able to access the program via the internet. Businesses commonly use software as a service… … Investment dictionary
CANaerospace — Das Logo CANaerospace[1] ist ein auf Controller Area Network (CAN) aufsetzendes Protokoll für Steuerelektronik in der Luftfahrt und definiert zudem die Hardwareschnittstelle. Entworfen und entwickelt wurde es 1998 von Stock Flight Systems [2].… … Deutsch Wikipedia
DBS — abbr. comp. Debug Service comp. Database Server electr. DIL bent SIL power package … Dictionary of English abbreviation
PlayStation 3 — Fabricant Sony Computer Entertainment Type Console de salon Génération Septième Date de sortie … Wikipédia en Français
La play 3 — PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 Fabricant Sony Computer Entertainment Type Console de salon … Wikipédia en Français
PLAYSTATION 3 — Fabricant Sony Computer Entertainment Type Console de salon … Wikipédia en Français
PS3 — PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 Fabricant Sony Computer Entertainment Type Console de salon … Wikipédia en Français
PSthree — PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 Fabricant Sony Computer Entertainment Type Console de salon … Wikipédia en Français
Playstation3 — PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 Fabricant Sony Computer Entertainment Type Console de salon … Wikipédia en Français