debt liability
Смотреть что такое "debt liability" в других словарях:
Debt Accordions — A loan provision which allows the borrower to add additional investors to the loan subsequent to the initial loan date. This provision helps the borrower if they are struggling to make payments, and in turn, helps the lender receive the full… … Investment dictionary
liability — li·a·bil·i·ty /ˌlī ə bi lə tē/ n pl ties 1: the quality or state of being liable 2: something for which one is liable: as a: a financial obligation: debt tax liability the bonds … Law dictionary
debt — n [Old French dette, ultimately from Latin debita, plural of debitum debt, from neuter of debitus, past participle of debere to owe] 1: something owed: as a: a specific sum of money or a performance due another esp. by agreement (as a loan… … Law dictionary
debt — debt, indebtedness, obligation, liability, debit, arrear mean something, and especially a sum of money, that is owed another. Debt usually implies that the amount is owed in return for goods, property, or services and can be definitely computed… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Debt relief — is the partial or total forgiveness of debt, or the slowing or stopping of debt growth, owed by individuals, corporations, or nations. From antiquity through the 19th century, it refers to domestic debts, in particular agricultural debts and… … Wikipedia
Debt deflation — is a theory of economic cycles, which holds that recessions and depressions are due to the overall level of debt shrinking (deflating): the credit cycle is the cause of the economic cycle. The theory was developed by Irving Fisher following the… … Wikipedia
liability — [n1] answerability, responsibility accountability, accountableness, amenability, amenableness, arrearage, blame, burden, compulsion, culpability, debt, duty, indebtedness, obligation, onus, owing, subjection, susceptibility; concept 645 Ant.… … New thesaurus
Debt ratio — is a financial ratio that indicates the percentage of a company s assets that are provided via debt. It is the ratio of total debt (the sum of current liabilities and long term liabilities) and total assets (the sum of current assets, fixed… … Wikipedia
debt — A liability on a claim (SA Under Title 11 U.S.C. Section 101: (12) The term debt means liability on a claim. United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Debt — Debt, n. [OE. dette, F. dette, LL. debita, fr. L. debitus owed, p. p. of debere to owe, prop., to have on loan; de + habere to have. See {Habit}, and cf. {Debit}, {Due}.] 1. That which is due from one person to another, whether money, goods, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Debt of nature — Debt Debt, n. [OE. dette, F. dette, LL. debita, fr. L. debitus owed, p. p. of debere to owe, prop., to have on loan; de + habere to have. See {Habit}, and cf. {Debit}, {Due}.] 1. That which is due from one person to another, whether money, goods … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English