debt claim
Смотреть что такое "debt claim" в других словарях:
Debt-for-nature swap — Debt for nature swaps are financial transactions in which a portion of a developing nation s foreign debt is forgiven in exchange for local investments in environmental conservation measures. Contents 1 History 2 How Debt for Nature Swaps Work 3… … Wikipedia
claim — n [Old French, from clamer to call, claim, from Latin clamare to shout, proclaim] 1 a: a demand for something (as money) due or believed to be due; specif: a demand for a benefit (as under the workers compensation law) or contractual payment (as… … Law dictionary
Debt settlement — Debt settlement, also known as debt arbitration, debt negotiation or credit settlement, is an approach to debt reduction in which the debtor and creditor agree on a reduced balance that will be regarded as payment in full.[1] Debt settlement is… … Wikipedia
debt — n [Old French dette, ultimately from Latin debita, plural of debitum debt, from neuter of debitus, past participle of debere to owe] 1: something owed: as a: a specific sum of money or a performance due another esp. by agreement (as a loan… … Law dictionary
Debt overhang — is when an organization (for example, a business, government, or family) has existing debt so great that it cannot easily borrow more money, even when that new borrowing is actually a good investment that would more than pay for itself. This… … Wikipedia
Debt evasion — is the intentional act of trying to avoid attempts by creditors to collect or pursue one s debt. At an elementary level, this includes the refusal to answer one s phone by screening one s calls or by ignoring mailed notices informing the debtor… … Wikipedia
debt — A liability on a claim (SA Under Title 11 U.S.C. Section 101: (12) The term debt means liability on a claim. United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Claim — Claim, n. [Of. claim cry, complaint, from clamer. See {Claim}, v. t.] 1. A demand of a right or supposed right; a calling on another for something due or supposed to be due; an assertion of a right or fact. [1913 Webster] 2. A right to claim or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
claim in bankruptcy — See: creditor s claim Category: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & Debt → Bankruptcy Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009 … Law dictionary
debt — [n] money owed to others albatross*, arrearage, arrears, bad news*, baggage*, below the line*, bill, bite*, capital, check, chit*, claim, commitment, credit, cuff*, damage*, dead horse*, debenture, debit, deficit, due, dues, duty, encumbrance,… … New thesaurus
Debt levels and flows — Public debt as a percent of GDP (2010) … Wikipedia