- debentures
- debentures: shares and ~ акции и долговые обязательства debentures: shares and ~ акции и долговые обязательства
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Debentures — [dɪ bentʃəz], in den USA Bezeichnung für alle langfristigen, nicht besonders (z. B. mit Grundpfandrechten) gesicherten Schulden, im engeren Sinn Bezeichnung für ungesicherte Inhaberschuldverschreibungen. Unterschieden werden nach dem Kriterium… … Universal-Lexikon
debentures — Unsecured, long term corporate bonds. Even though debenture holders are not protected by collateral, they still have a legal right to repayment. In the event of default, debenture holders are treated like other unsecured creditors. In addition,… … Financial and business terms
debentures — n. bonds not secured by any specific property based on the full faith and credit of the issuer de·ben·ture || dɪ bentʃə n. interest bearing bond indicating indebtedness; certificate indicating a tax refund (issued at a clearinghouse) … English contemporary dictionary
mortgage debentures — Debentures by which specific funds or property are pledged as security. Barton Nat. Bank v Atkins, 72 Vt 33, 45, 47 A 176. A paradoxical expression if the definition of debenture as a bond secured, at best, by a pledge of income be accepted. See… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Agency Debentures — Debt issued by a federal agency or a government sponsored enterprise (GSE) for financing purposes. These types of debentures are not backed by collateral, but by the integrity and credit worthiness of the issuer. Officially, agency debentures… … Investment dictionary
subordinated debentures — subordinated bonds or debentures A bond that has a claim on the issuing firm s assets that is junior to other forms of debt in the event of a liquidation. The claims of subordinated debenture holders can be met only after all the claims of senior … Black's law dictionary
subordinated bonds or debentures — A bond that has a claim on the issuing firm s assets that is junior to other forms of debt in the event of a liquidation. The claims of subordinated debenture holders can be met only after all the claims of senior creditors have been met. Usually … Black's law dictionary
subordinate debentures — A type of corporate bond for which the indenture covenants provide that some of the company s debt has a lower priority than other debts in the event of a liquidation. For example, some bonds may be subordinate to others. Subordinate bonds are… … Financial and business terms
convertible bonds or debentures — Bonds or debentures issued with the privilege of converting them into other securities, usually the common stock of the issuing corporation. 19 Am J2d Corp § 1070 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Облигация беззакладная (DEBENTURES & UNSECURED BONDS) — Облигации этого вида не обеспечиваются какими либо материальными активами. Облигация высокого класса (Glit edged) Облигация компании, показавшей на протяжении ряда лет значительную прибыльность и способность выплачивать проценты по своим… … Финансы и биржа: словарь терминов
Debenture — For debentures in sport, see debenture (sport). Finance Financial markets … Wikipedia