- debenture stock
1) акции, не имеющие специального обеспечения
2) амер. акции, дающие привилегии владельцу по сравнению с другими видами акций
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Debenture stock — (Finance) The debt or series of debts, collectively, represented by a series of debentures; a debt secured by a trust deed of property for the benefit of the holders of shares in the debt or of a series of debentures. By the terms of much… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
debenture stock — A registered participation in debt issued by a company which is normally freely transferable and is generally listed on a recognised investment exchange. Debenture stock will typically be secured by a floating charge over all the undertaking and… … Law dictionary
debenture stock — A type of stock that makes fixed payments at scheduled intervals of time. Debenture stock differs from a debenture in that it has the status of equity, not debt, in liquidation. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary A form of loan stock legally defined… … Financial and business terms
debenture stock — ▪ finance loan contract issued by a company or public body specifying an obligation to return borrowed funds and pay interest, secured by all or part of the company s property. Certificates specifying the amount of stock, with coupons for… … Universalium
debenture stock — /dəˈbɛntʃə stɒk/ (say duh benchuh stok) noun a total amount borrowed by a corporation from a number of lenders, and treated as a single stock rather than as a number of separate loans …
debenture stock — /dɪ bentʃə stɒk/ noun a capital borrowed by a company, using its fixed assets as security … Dictionary of banking and finance
debenture stock — noun : a corporate security issue common in Great Britain that usually has no fixed maturity date for the principal but that has a fixed claim to interest payments which takes precedence over preferred and common stocks … Useful english dictionary
debenture — de·ben·ture /di ben chər/ n [Anglo French debentour and Medieval Latin debentura, perhaps from Latin debentur they are owed]: an unsecured bond that is backed by the issuer s general credit rather than a specific lien – called also debenture… … Law dictionary
stock — n 1 a: the equipment, materials, or supplies of a business b: a store or supply accumulated; esp: the inventory of the goods of a merchant or manufacturer 2: the ownership element in a corporation usu. divided into shares and represented by… … Law dictionary
debenture — /dabentyar/ Long term unsecured debt instrument, issued pursuant to an indenture. A promissory note or bond backed by the general credit and earning history of a corporation and usually not secured by a mortgage or lien on any specific property;… … Black's law dictionary
debenture — /dabentyar/ Long term unsecured debt instrument, issued pursuant to an indenture. A promissory note or bond backed by the general credit and earning history of a corporation and usually not secured by a mortgage or lien on any specific property;… … Black's law dictionary