deathbed — [deth′bed΄] n. the bed on which a person dies adj. done or made in the last hours of life [a deathbed will] on one s deathbed during or in the last hours of one s life … English World dictionary
Deathbed — Death bed, n. The bed in which a person dies; hence, the closing hours of life of one who dies by sickness or the like; the last sickness. [1913 Webster] That often quoted passage from Lord Hervey in which the Queen s deathbed is described.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
deathbed — (n.) O.E., the grave, from DEATH (Cf. death) (n.) + BED (Cf. bed) (n.). Meaning bed on which someone dies is from c.1300 … Etymology dictionary
Deathbed — A deathbed is a place where a person dies or lies in during the last few hours before death. Deathbed may also refer to: Deathbed conversion, a religious faith conversion Deathbed confession, a confession of some sort when someone is assumed to… … Wikipedia
deathbed — death|bed [ˈdeθbed] n [C usually singular] the bed on which someone dies or is dying on your deathbed ▪ On her deathbed, Miriam s mother reveals that she never knew her father. deathbed confession/conversion etc (=made when you are dying) ▪ The… … Dictionary of contemporary English
deathbed — noun 1 on your deathbed just before you die 2 deathbed confession/conversion/reconciliation something that you admit or do just before you die: a deathbed conversion to Catholicism 3 be on your deathbed a) to be close to death b) humorous to be… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
deathbed — /deth bed /, n. 1. the bed on which a person dies: The museum contains Lincoln s deathbed. 2. on one s deathbed, in the last few hours before death. adj. 3. of, pertaining to, said, or done during the last few hours of a person s life: a deathbed … Universalium
deathbed — death|bed1 [ deθ,bed ] noun singular a bed in which someone dies or is about to die on your deathbed OFTEN HUMOROUS going to die very soon deathbed death|bed 2 [ deθ,bed ] adjective only before noun done when you are about to die: a deathbed… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
deathbed — [[t]de̱θbed[/t]] deathbeds N COUNT: usu sing, usu with poss, oft on N If someone is on their deathbed, they are in a bed and about to die. He promised his mother on her deathbed that he would never marry. ...after the man who murdered him nearly… … English dictionary
deathbed — I UK [ˈdeθˌbed] / US noun [singular] a bed in which someone dies or is about to die • on your deathbed II UK [ˈdeθˌbed] / US adjective [only before noun] done when you are about to die a deathbed confession … English dictionary
deathbed — death•bed [[t]ˈdɛθˌbɛd[/t]] n. 1) the bed on which a person dies 2) pertaining to or occurring in the last few hours of a person s life: a deathbed confession[/ex] • on one s deathbed Etymology: 1350–1400 … From formal English to slang