dead tired
Смотреть что такое "dead tired" в других словарях:
dead tired — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Very tired; exhausted; worn out. * /She was dead tired at the end of the day s work./ Compare: DEAD ON ONE S FEET … Dictionary of American idioms
dead tired — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Very tired; exhausted; worn out. * /She was dead tired at the end of the day s work./ Compare: DEAD ON ONE S FEET … Dictionary of American idioms
dead\ tired — adj. phr. informal Very tired; exhausted; worn out. She was dead tired at the end of the day s work. Compare: dead on one s feet … Словарь американских идиом
dead tired — very tired, blotto, zonked After fighting the fire, they were dead tired exhausted … English idioms
dead tired — very tired, exhausted I was dead tired so I went to bed as soon as I got home … Idioms and examples
dead tired — Synonyms and related words: all in, beat, beat up, beaten, bone weary, bushed, dead, dead and alive, deadbeat, dog tired, dog weary, done, done in, done up, drained, exhausted, fagged out, gone, knocked out, played out, pooped, pooped out,… … Moby Thesaurus
dead tired — adjective Very tired; completely exhausted … Wiktionary
dead tired — extremely tired, very sleepy … English contemporary dictionary
dead on one's feet — {adv. phr.}, {informal} Very tired but still standing or walking; too tired to do more; exhausted. * /Jimmy never leaves a job unfinished. He continues to work even when he s dead on his feet./ * /After the soldiers march all night, they are dead … Dictionary of American idioms
dead on one's feet — {adv. phr.}, {informal} Very tired but still standing or walking; too tired to do more; exhausted. * /Jimmy never leaves a job unfinished. He continues to work even when he s dead on his feet./ * /After the soldiers march all night, they are dead … Dictionary of American idioms
dead — dead1 [ ded ] adjective *** ▸ 1 no longer alive ▸ 2 not working ▸ 3 not interesting ▸ 4 no longer relevant ▸ 5 very weak/tired/sick ▸ 6 having no feeling ▸ 7 showing little emotion ▸ 8 no longer spoken ▸ 9 complete ▸ 10 in ball games ▸ 11 when… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English