dead marine
Смотреть что такое "dead marine" в других словарях:
dead marine — /dɛd məˈrin / (say ded muh reen) noun Colloquial a bottle which has contained beer, whisky, etc., but is now empty. {obsolete dead marine a sailor who is insensible as a result of intoxication} …
dead marine — Go to dead soldier … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
dead marine — noun : dead man 2 … Useful english dictionary
dead marine — noun an empty beer bottle … Wiktionary
Dead marine — empty beeror whisky bottle … Dictionary of Australian slang
dead marine — Australian Slang empty beeror whisky bottle … English dialects glossary
dead marine — (Slang) bottle which had comprised alcoholic drink (such as whisky, beer and other) and is now empty … English contemporary dictionary
dead — (adj.) O.E. dead dead, also torpid, dull; of water, still, standing, from P.Gmc. *dauthaz (Cf. O.S. dod, Dan. dèd, Swed. död, O.Fris. dad, M.Du. doot, Du. dood, O.H.G. tot, Ger. tot, O.N. dauðr, Goth … Etymology dictionary
marine — /meuh reen /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the sea; existing in or produced by the sea: marine vegetation. 2. pertaining to navigation or shipping; nautical; naval; maritime. 3. serving on shipboard, as soldiers. 4. of or belonging to the marines … Universalium
marine ecosystem — Introduction complex of living organisms in the ocean environment. Marine waters cover two thirds of the surface of the Earth. In some places the ocean is deeper than Mount Everest is high; for example, the Mariana Trench and the… … Universalium
dead soldier — AND dead man; dead marine; dead one 1. n. an empty liquor or beer bottle. □ Toss your dead soldiers in the garbage, please. □ A dead marine fell off the table and woke up all the drunks. 2. n. a cigarette butt. (Less common than sense 1.) □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions