Смотреть что такое "de-flower" в других словарях:
Flower fairies — are illustrations by Cicely Mary Barker, created during the first half of the 20th century.The Creator of The Flower FairiesFlower Fairies are the product of English illustrator Cicely Mary Barker. Unable to go to school as a child because of her … Wikipedia
Flower — Flow er (flou [ e]r), n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. {Blossom}, {Effloresce}, {Floret}, {Florid}, {Florin}, {Flour}, {Flourish}.] 1. In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flower bed — Flower Flow er (flou [ e]r), n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. {Blossom}, {Effloresce}, {Floret}, {Florid}, {Florin}, {Flour}, {Flourish}.] 1. In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flower beetle — Flower Flow er (flou [ e]r), n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. {Blossom}, {Effloresce}, {Floret}, {Florid}, {Florin}, {Flour}, {Flourish}.] 1. In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flower bird — Flower Flow er (flou [ e]r), n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. {Blossom}, {Effloresce}, {Floret}, {Florid}, {Florin}, {Flour}, {Flourish}.] 1. In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flower bud — Flower Flow er (flou [ e]r), n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. {Blossom}, {Effloresce}, {Floret}, {Florid}, {Florin}, {Flour}, {Flourish}.] 1. In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flower clock — Flower Flow er (flou [ e]r), n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. {Blossom}, {Effloresce}, {Floret}, {Florid}, {Florin}, {Flour}, {Flourish}.] 1. In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flower head — Flower Flow er (flou [ e]r), n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. {Blossom}, {Effloresce}, {Floret}, {Florid}, {Florin}, {Flour}, {Flourish}.] 1. In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flower pecker — Flower Flow er (flou [ e]r), n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. {Blossom}, {Effloresce}, {Floret}, {Florid}, {Florin}, {Flour}, {Flourish}.] 1. In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flower piece — Flower Flow er (flou [ e]r), n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. {Blossom}, {Effloresce}, {Floret}, {Florid}, {Florin}, {Flour}, {Flourish}.] 1. In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flower stalk — Flower Flow er (flou [ e]r), n. [OE. flour, OF. flour, flur, flor, F. fleur, fr. L. flos, floris. Cf. {Blossom}, {Effloresce}, {Floret}, {Florid}, {Florin}, {Flour}, {Flourish}.] 1. In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English