- de minimis non curat lex
- лат., юр. "суд не собирается по пустякам" (изречение, означающее, что суд не рассматривает какие-либо незначительные, мелкие нарушения закона)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
de minimis non curat lex — de minimis non cu·rat lex / nän kyu̇r ət leks, nȯn kü rät / n [New Latin, the law does not concern itself with trifles]: the principle that the law is not concerned with insignificant or minor matters Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam … Law dictionary
de minimis non curat lex — Minimus Min i*mus, n.; pl. {Minimi}. [L. See {Minim}.] 1. A being of the smallest size. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) The little finger; the fifth digit, or that corresponding to it, in either the manus or pes. [1913 Webster] {de… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
De minimis non curat lex — (рус. Закон не заботится о мелочах) правовой принцип. Примеры В многомиллионной сделке недоплата в размере 10 рублей не будет считаться нарушением контракта.[1] Появление отдельных фотографий в сценах фильма (например, в качестве украшений… … Википедия
de minimis non curat lex — /diy minamas non kyiirat leks/ The law does not care for, or take notice of, very small or trifling matters. The law does not concern itself about trifles. Provision is made under certain criminal statutes for dismissing offenses which are de… … Black's law dictionary
de minimis non curat lex — /diy minamas non kyiirat leks/ The law does not care for, or take notice of, very small or trifling matters. The law does not concern itself about trifles. Provision is made under certain criminal statutes for dismissing offenses which are de… … Black's law dictionary
de minimis non curat lex — foreign term Etymology: Latin the law takes no account of trifles … New Collegiate Dictionary
Nam de minimis non curat lex — For the law does not pay attention to trifles … Ballentine's law dictionary
minima non curat praetor — Der Satz „minima non curat praetor“ (auch: „de minimis non curat praetor“, dt. „um Kleinigkeiten kümmert sich der Prätor nicht“ oder auch „de minimis non curat lex“, dt. „um Geringfügigkeiten kümmert sich das Gesetz nicht“) stammt aus dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
lex non curat de minimis — /leks non kyurat diy minamas/ The law cares not about trifles. The law does not regard small matters … Black's law dictionary
lex non curat de minimis — /leks non kyurat diy minamas/ The law cares not about trifles. The law does not regard small matters … Black's law dictionary
De minimis — is a Latin expression meaning about minimal things, normally in the locutions de minimis non curat praetor ( The praetor does not concern himself with trifles ) or de minimis non curat lex ( The law does not concern itself with trifles ).[1][2]… … Wikipedia