- de dicto belief report
- косвенное выражение убеждения (в СИИ)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
De se — is Latin for of oneself and, in philosophy, it is a phrase used to mark off what some believe to be a category of ascription distinct from De dicto and de re . David Lewis s article (below) gave birth to the topic, and his expression of it draws… … Wikipedia
List of philosophy topics (I-Q) — II and thou I Ching I Ching I proposition I Thou I Thou relationshipIaIamblichus (philosopher)IbYahya Ibn Adi Yahya Ibn Adi Ibn al Arabi Muhyi al Din Ibn al Arabi Abu Bakr Ibn Bajja Abu Bakr Ibn Bājja Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn as Say igh… … Wikipedia