- dc magnetization
- постоянная намагниченность
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Magnetization transfer — (MT), as commonly used in biomedical MRI, refers to the transfer of longitudinal magnetization from the hydrogen nuclei of water that have restricted motion to the hydrogen nuclei of water that moves with many degrees of freedom. The water with… … Wikipedia
Magnetization reversal — Magnetization reversal, or switching, represents the process that leads to a 180° reorientation of the magnetization vector with respect to its initial direction, from one stable orientation to the opposite one. Technologically, this is one of… … Wikipedia
Magnetization — Mag net*i*za tion, n. The act of magnetizing, or the state of being magnetized. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
magnetization — (n.) 1801, noun of action from MAGNETIZE (Cf. magnetize) … Etymology dictionary
magnetization — (Amer.) n. act of magnetizing, impartation of magnetic properties upon an object (also magnetisation)mag·net·i·za·tion || ‚mægnÉ™tÉ™ zeɪʃn /mægnɪtaɪ zeɪʃn … English contemporary dictionary
Magnetization — This article is about magnetization as it appears in Maxwell s equations of classical electrodynamics. For a microscopic description of how magnetic materials react to a magnetic field, see magnetism. For mathematical description of fields… … Wikipedia
Magnetization reversal by circularly polarized light — Discovered only recently (2006) by C.D. Stanciu and F. Hansteen and published in Physical Review Letters[1][2] this effect is generally called all optical magnetization reversal. This magnetization reversal technique refers to a method of… … Wikipedia
Magnetization dynamics — Contents 1 Rotation Physics 2 Precession 3 Damping 4 Landau Lifshitz Gilbert Equation 5 References … Wikipedia
magnetization — įmagnetėjimas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Vienetinio tūrio medžiagos atstojamasis magnetinis momentas, išreiškiamas formule: M = (B/μ₀) H; čia M – įmagnetėjimo vektorius, B – magnetinio srauto tankio vektorius, H – … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
magnetization — įmagnetėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. intensity of magnetization; magnetization vok. Magnetisierung, f; Magnetisierungsvektor, m rus. вектор намагниченности, m; намагниченность, f pranc. aimantation, f; intensité d’aimantation … Fizikos terminų žodynas
magnetization characteristic — įmagnetinimo charakteristika statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. magnetization characteristic vok. Leerlaufkennlinie, f; magnetische Kennlinie, f rus. характеристика намагничивания, f pranc. caractéristique d aimantation, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas