Смотреть что такое "daypeep" в других словарях:
daybreak — n. Dawn, dawning, cockcrowing, dayspring, daypeep, break of day, peep of day, prime of day, first blush of the morning … New dictionary of synonyms
dawn — I. v. n. 1. Break, begin to be light, grow light. 2. Appear, open, break, begin to appear. II. n. Daybreak, cockcrowing, dayspring, dawning, daypeep, peep of day, prime of day, first blush of the morning, break of day … New dictionary of synonyms
dawn — n 1. daybreak, sunrise, sunup, aurora, cockcrow, daylight, daypeep; break of day, peep of day, crack of dawn, dawning, early light, Archaic. dayspring; morning, morn, prime, morningtide. 2. beginning, birth, start, inception, commencement; advent … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder