Смотреть что такое "dayless" в других словарях:
dayless — adjective Without day. And when thy sons to fetters are consignd To fetters, and the damp vaults dayless gloom mdash; Byron … Wiktionary
dayless — day·less … English syllables
dayless — ˈdālə̇s adjective : lacking daylight … Useful english dictionary
Day — n. 1 the time between sunrise and sunset. 2 a a period of 24 hours as a unit of time, esp. from midnight to midnight, corresponding to a complete revolution of the earth on its axis. b a corresponding period on other planets (Martian day). 3… … Useful english dictionary
day — n. 1 the time between sunrise and sunset. 2 a a period of 24 hours as a unit of time, esp. from midnight to midnight, corresponding to a complete revolution of the earth on its axis. b a corresponding period on other planets (Martian day). 3… … Useful english dictionary