day-by-day basis
Смотреть что такое "day-by-day basis" в других словарях:
day basis — See accrual convention … Financial and business terms
Day by Day Christian Ministries — Classification Protestant Orientation Evangelical Christian Governance Non hierarchial Leader Ptr. Eduardo (also known as Ed ) Lapiz (Head Pastor) and Ptr. Gamaliel (also known as Gammy ) Alba (Senior Pastor) Associations Philippine Council of… … Wikipedia
day-to-day — adj [only before noun] 1.) day to day work/business/life etc day to day jobs or activities are ones that you do every day as a normal part of your life, your job etc ▪ The manager is responsible for the day to day running of the hotel. 2.)… … Dictionary of contemporary English
day-to-day — UK US /ˌdeɪtəˈdeɪ/ adjective [before noun] ► happening every day as a regular part of something: »Responsibility for the day to day running of the two stores had been transferred to locally recruited managers. »Bad weather may disrupt transport… … Financial and business terms
basis — The difference between the current cash price and the futures price of the same commodity. Unless otherwise specified, the price of the nearby futures contract month is generally used to calculate the basis. Chicago Board of Trade glossary The… … Financial and business terms
basis — More often than not, a reliable indicator of wordiness, as here: Det. Chief Supt. Peter Topping... said he would review the search on a day to day basis. Why not make it would review the search daily and save five words? … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
basis — More often than not, a reliable indicator of wordiness, as here: Det. Chief Supt. Peter Topping . . . said he would review the search on a day to day basis (Independent). Why not make it would review the search daily and save five words? … Dictionary of troublesome word
day-to-day — {adj.} Daily; common; everyday. * /For best results, students homework should be checked on a day to day basis./ … Dictionary of American idioms
day-to-day — {adj.} Daily; common; everyday. * /For best results, students homework should be checked on a day to day basis./ … Dictionary of American idioms
day-to-day — adj Daily; common; everyday. For best results, students homework should be checked on a day to day basis … Словарь американских идиом
Day v. McDonough — Supreme Court of the United States Argued February 27, 2006 Decided April 25, 2006 … Wikipedia