- daughter product
- продукт радиоактивного распада
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Daughter product — (nuclide) Дочерний продукт (нуклид) любой нуклид, образующийся из данного радионуклида в цепочке распадов. Термины атомной энергетики. Концерн Росэнергоатом, 2010 … Термины атомной энергетики
daughter product — /ˈdɔtə prɒdʌkt/ (say dawtuh produkt) noun radioactive decay product …
daughter — In nuclear medicine, an isotope that is the disintegration product of a radionuclide. See d. isotope, radionuclide generator. [O.E. dohtor] DES (diethylstilbestrol) d. the d. of a woman who received diethylstilbestrol during … Medical dictionary
daughter — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, doughter, from Old English dohtor; akin to Old High German tohter daughter, Greek thygatēr Date: before 12th century 1. a. a female offspring especially of human parents b. a female adopted child c. a human… … New Collegiate Dictionary
daughter — /ˈdɔtə / (say dawtuh) noun 1. a female child or person in relation to her parents. 2. Literary any female descendant: a daughter of our house. 3. a woman considered as a product of a particular place or environment, or having a relationship to a… …
Daughter of Kwok-A Incident — The Daughter of Kwok A Incident (Chinese: 郭亞女事件) is the popular term for a controversial Social Welfare case in Hong Kong during 1986. The handling of the incident by then Director of Social Welfare (later Chief Secretary for Administration)… … Wikipedia
daughter — n. 1 a girl or woman in relation to either or both of her parents. 2 a female descendant. 3 (foll. by of) a female member of a family, nation, etc. 4 (foll. by of) a woman who is regarded as the spiritual descendant of, or as spiritually attached … Useful english dictionary
daughter atom — antrinis atomas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. daughter atom; product atom vok. Tochter Atom, n rus. дочерный атом, m pranc. atome enfanté, m; atome engendré, m; atome fils, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
product atom — antrinis atomas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. daughter atom; product atom vok. Tochter Atom, n rus. дочерный атом, m pranc. atome enfanté, m; atome engendré, m; atome fils, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
daughter nuclide — noun An isotope (often one of several) that is the product of the radioactive decay of a specific parent nuclide … Wiktionary
daughter — noun 1》 a girl or woman in relation to her parents. ↘a female descendant. ↘a woman considered as the product of a particular influence or environment. 2》 Physics a nuclide formed by the radioactive decay of another. Derivatives… … English new terms dictionary