datum-corrected time
Смотреть что такое "datum-corrected time" в других словарях:
Jet engine performance — This article describes how jet engine performance is estimated during the design phase. Similar techniques are used once the engine has been built and is being tested, except the performance of individual components, rather than being assumed, is … Wikipedia
Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt/B–D — Dies ist der zweite Teil der Liste Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt. Liste der Abkürzungen Teil 1 A A Teil 2 B–D B (BA, BB, BC, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH, BI, BJ, BK, BL … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nautical chart — A nautical chart is a graphic representation of a maritime area and adjacent coastal regions. Depending on the scale of the chart, it may show depths of water and heights of land (topographic map), natural features of the seabed, details of the… … Wikipedia
BIBLE — THE CANON, TEXT, AND EDITIONS canon general titles the canon the significance of the canon the process of canonization contents and titles of the books the tripartite canon … Encyclopedia of Judaism
epistemology — epistemological /i pis teuh meuh loj i keuhl/, adj. epistemologically, adv. epistemologist, n. /i pis teuh mol euh jee/, n. a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. [1855 60; < Gk… … Universalium
Mile — Miles redirects here. For other uses, see Mile (disambiguation) and Miles (disambiguation). mile international US survey nautical 1.609344 km 1.609347 km 1.852 km 1,6 … Wikipedia
Prozess und Realität — Der Essay Prozess und Realität ist ein zuerst 1929 in New York unter dem Originaltitel Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology erschienenes Werk des britischen Philosophen und Mathematikers Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947). Es ist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Components of jet engines — Diagram of a typical gas turbine jet engine. Air is compressed by the fan blades as it enters the engine, and it is mixed and burned with fuel in the combustion section. The hot exhaust gases provide forward thrust and turn the turbines which… … Wikipedia
Dynamic random access memory — (DRAM) is a type of random access memory that stores each bit of data in a separate capacitor within an integrated circuit. Since real capacitors leak charge, the information eventually fades unless the capacitor charge is refreshed periodically … Wikipedia
Soft error — In electronics and computing, an error is a signal or datum which is wrong. Errors may be caused by a defect, usually understood either to be a mistake in design or construction, or a broken component. A soft error is also a signal or datum which … Wikipedia
map — mappable, adj. mapper, n. /map/, n., v., mapped, mapping. n. 1. a representation, usually on a flat surface, as of the features of an area of the earth or a portion of the heavens, showing them in their respective forms, sizes, and relationships… … Universalium