date of commencement
Смотреть что такое "date of commencement" в других словарях:
date — I noun assigned time, day, day of the week, dies, marked time, moment, particular point of time, period, period of time, point of time, specified period of time, tempus, time, time during which anything occurs associated concepts: antedating,… … Law dictionary
Commencement Day — Directed by Robert F. McGowan Mark Goldaine Produced by Hal Roach Written by Hal Roach H. M. Walker Distrib … Wikipedia
Commencement (The West Wing) — Commencement The West Wing episode Episode no. Season 4 Episode 87 … Wikipedia
Commencement at CCSU — Central Connecticut State University s annual Commencement Exercises are held each May at the XL Center in Hartford. In most years, a separate graduation ceremony for recipients of advanced degrees is held on campus at Herbert D. Welte Hall. The… … Wikipedia
date — (da t ) s. f. 1° Époque précise où une chose a été faite. • Il met la date du concile par erreur en 1022, BOSSUET Var. 11. • Cette date [celle où la loi écrite fut donné à Moïse] est remarquable, parce qu on s en sert pour désigner tout le… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
date — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 particular day ADJECTIVE ▪ earlier, earliest ▪ She suggested an earlier date for the meeting. ▪ later, latest ▪ exact … Collocations dictionary
commencement — noun Commencement is used before these nouns: ↑address, ↑ceremony, ↑date, ↑speaker, ↑speech … Collocations dictionary
commencement — noun Date: 13th century 1. an act, instance, or time of commencing 2. a. the ceremonies or the day for conferring degrees or diplomas b. the period of activities at this time … New Collegiate Dictionary
X-Men : Le Commencement — X Men : Le Commencement Données clés Titre québécois X Men : Première Classe Titre original X Men: First Class Réalisation Matthew Vaughn Scénario Jane Goldman Zack Stentz Ashley Miller … Wikipédia en Français
Au commencement était le Verbe — Évangile selon Jean Nouveau Testament Matthieu Marc Luc Jean Actes des Apôtres Romains 1 Corinthiens … Wikipédia en Français
Acts of Parliament (Commencement) Act 1793 — The Acts of Parliament (Commencement) Act 1793 was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain (citation 33 Geo. 3 c. 13) which established the time at which Acts of Parliament come into effect.Under the previous law, Acts came into force on the… … Wikipedia