data set utility program

data set utility program
программа обслуживания наборов данных

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "data set utility program" в других словарях:

  • Data set (IBM mainframe) — This article is about mainframe computer file. For a general meaning in computing field, see Data set. data set (archaic), dataset (preferred), is a computer file having a record organization. The term pertains to the IBM mainframe operating… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear Data Set — An Linear Data Set (LDS) is a type of data set used by the VSAM computer data storage system. A Linear Data Set contains data that can be accessed as byte addressable strings in virtual storage. The LDS is composed of VSAM Control Intervals (CI… …   Wikipedia

  • Utility — The measure of the welfare or satisfaction of an investor or person. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * utility u‧til‧i‧ty [juːˈtɪlti] noun utilities PLURALFORM 1. [countable usually plural] COMMERCE a large company that provides… …   Financial and business terms

  • utility — A power company that owns or operates facilities used for the generation, transmission, or distribution of electric energy, which is regulated at state and federal levels. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * utility u‧til‧i‧ty [juːˈtɪlti] noun… …   Financial and business terms

  • Utility software — (also known as service program , service routine , tool , or utility routine ) is a type of computer software. It is specifically designed to help manage and tune the computer hardware, operating system or application software, and perform a… …   Wikipedia

  • Data Transformation Services — Data Transformation Services, or DTS, is a set of objects and utilities to allow the automation of extract, transform and load operations to or from a database. The objects are DTS packages and their components, and the utilities are called DTS… …   Wikipedia

  • Data Intensive Computing — is a class of parallel computing applications which use a data parallel approach to processing large volumes of data typically terabytes or petabytes in size and typically referred to as Big Data. Computing applications which devote most of their …   Wikipedia

  • Data type — For other uses, see Data type (disambiguation). In computer programming, a data type is a classification identifying one of various types of data, such as floating point, integer, or Boolean, that determines the possible values for that type; the …   Wikipedia

  • Utility cycling — Cycling in Amsterdam Utility cyclists in …   Wikipedia

  • IBM mainframe utility programs — are supplied with IBM mainframe operating systems such as MVS to carry out various tasks associated with datasets, etc.History/Common JCLMany of these utilities were designed by IBM users, through the group SHARE, and then developed by IBM or… …   Wikipedia

  • IBM System/34, 36 System Support Program — System Support Program (SSP) was an operating system for the IBM System/34 and System/36 minicomputers. SSP was a command based operating system released in 1977, the days of CP/M, DOS, and the original UNIX.SSP originally contained 60 or so… …   Wikipedia

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