data scan

data scan
сканирование трактов данных

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "data scan" в других словарях:

  • Scan-based trading — (SBT) or Scan based trading is the process where suppliers maintain ownership of inventory within retailers warehouses or stores until items are scanned at the point of sale. HistoryTraditionally Scan Based Trading programs use Electronic Data… …   Wikipedia

  • Scan — may refer to: *Scan, the act of examining sequentially, part by part *Image scanning, in data processing, the act of optically analyzing a two or three dimensional image and digitally encode it (digitize it) for storage in a computer file *Scan,… …   Wikipedia

  • Scan conversion — or scan rate converting is a technique for changing the vertical / horizontal scan frequency of video signal for different purposes and applications.The device which performs this conversion is called scan converter.The application of scan… …   Wikipedia

  • Scan chain — Scan chains are a technique used in Design For Test. The objective is to make testing easier by providing a simple way to set and observe every flip flop in an IC. A special signal called scan enable is added to a design. When this signal is… …   Wikipedia

  • Data Execution Prevention — (DEP) is a security feature included in modern operating systems. It is known to be available in Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating systems and is intended to prevent an application or service from executing code from a non… …   Wikipedia

  • Data Execution Prevention — (DEP) (англ. Предотвращение выполнения данных)  функция безопасности, встроенная в семейство операционных систем Windows, которая не позволяет приложению исполнять код из области памяти, помеченной как «только для данных». Она позволит… …   Википедия

  • scan|ner — «SKAN uhr», noun. 1. a person or thing that scans. 2. = scanning disk. (Cf. ↑scanning disk) 3. the rotating antenna that sends out and receives radar signals: »The scanner is mounted in the nose of the aircraft and must be capable of operating… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Scan line — A scan line is one line, or row, in a raster scanning pattern, such as a video line on a cathode ray tube (CRT) display of a television or computer. On older CRT screens the horizontal scan lines were visually discernible, even when viewed from a …   Wikipedia

  • scan — 1. To survey by traversing with an active or passive sensing device. 2. The image, record, or data obtained by scanning, usually identified by the technology or device employed; e.g., CT s., radionuclide s …   Medical dictionary

  • Scan, computerized axial tomography — Pictures of structures within the body created by a computer that takes the data from multiple X ray images and turns them in pictures. The CAT (computerized axial tomography) scan can reveal some soft tissue and other structures that cannot be… …   Medical dictionary

  • scan — I. verb (scanned; scanning) Etymology: Middle English scannen, from Late Latin scandere, from Latin, to climb; akin to Middle Irish sceinnid he springs, Sanskrit skandati he leaps Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to read or mark so as to… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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