data panel
Смотреть что такое "data panel" в других словарях:
panel study — A study that provides longitudinal data on a group of people, households, employers, or other social unit, termed ‘the panel’, about whom information is collected over a period of months, years, or decades. Two of the most common types of panel… … Dictionary of sociology
Panel analysis — Panel (data) analysis is statistical method, widely used in social science, epidemiology, and econometrics, which deals with two dimensional panel data. The data are usually collected over time and over the same individuals and then a regression… … Wikipedia
Data Execution Prevention — (DEP) is a security feature included in modern operating systems. It is known to be available in Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating systems and is intended to prevent an application or service from executing code from a non… … Wikipedia
Data General Nova — System Data General Nova 1200 front panel … Wikipedia
Panel-Untersuchung — ist die Bezeichnung für ein Forschungsdesign. Das Panel ist eine spezielle Form der Längsschnittstudie, bei der jede Erhebung mit derselben Stichprobe und demselben Erhebungsinstrument wiederholt durchgeführt wird („Personenidentische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Panel — can refer to:*A committee or jury used to decide some matter. In a legal context it may refer to a subset of a full set of appeal court judges, in contrast to an En banc hearing, which involves them all. In accident investigations, a full… … Wikipedia
Data General Eclipse — S/130 front panel Data General microEclipse microprocesso … Wikipedia
Panel data — In statistics and econometrics, the term panel data refers to two dimensional data. In marketing, panel data refers to data collected at the point of sale (also called scanner data ).Data is broadly classified according to the number of… … Wikipedia
Panel — The Panel on Takeovers and Mergers. A non statutory body with responsibility for the rules governing takeovers/mergers. Its Chairman is appointed by the Governor of the Bank of England and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Dresdner Kleinwort… … Financial and business terms
Panel-Analyse — Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Abgrenzung statische und dynamische Modelle 2 Schätzverfahren in den statischen Modellen 3 Schätzverfahren in den dynamischen Modellen 4 Literatur // … Deutsch Wikipedia
Data Documentation Initiative — The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an international project to create a standard for information describing statistical and social science data. Begun in 1995, the effort brings together data professionals from around the world to develop … Wikipedia