data over voice
Смотреть что такое "data over voice" в других словарях:
Data Over Voice — (DOV) ist ein in der CEPT Empfehlung T/CD 01 13 beschriebenes Übertragungsverfahren auf analogen Telefonleitungen. Oberhalb des für Sprache genutzten Frequenzbereiches von 300 3.400 Hz wird über ein Filter ein höherfrequentes Signal eingespeist,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Data over Voice — (DOV) ist ein in der CEPT Empfehlung T/CD 01 13 beschriebenes Übertragungsverfahren auf analogen Telefonleitungen. Oberhalb des für Sprache genutzten Frequenzbereiches von 300 3.400 Hz wird über ein Filter ein höherfrequentes Signal… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Data over signalling — Data over signalling,[1] or DoS, is a telecommunications term that refers to sending primary data over a signalling channel, instead of the subscriber s bearer channel.[2][3] Background Data over signalling was designed as a solution to the… … Wikipedia
Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification — (DOCSIS) ist eine von Cable Labs um 1997 entwickelte Spezifikation für Schnittstellen von Kabelmodems und dazugehörigen Peripheriegeräten, die von der ITU im März 1998 (ITU T Recommendation J.112) ratifiziert wurde. DOCSIS ist dabei ein Standard … Deutsch Wikipedia
Data logger — Cube storing technical and sensor data A data logger (also datalogger or data recorder) is an electronic device that records data over time or in relation to location either with a built in instrument or sensor or via external instruments and… … Wikipedia
voice — voicer, n. /voys/, n., v., voiced, voicing, adj. n. 1. the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures, esp. of human beings in speaking, shouting, singing, etc. 2. the faculty or power of uttering sounds through the mouth by… … Universalium
Voice engine — A voice engine is a software subsystem for bidirectional audio communication, typically used as part of a telecommunications system to simulate a telephone. It functions like a data pump for audio data, specifically voice data. The voice engine… … Wikipedia
Voice over Internet Protocol — (VoIP, IPAEng|vɔɪp) is a protocol optimized for the transmission of voice through the Internet or other packet switched networks. VoIP is often used abstractly to refer to the actual transmission of voice (rather than the protocol implementing… … Wikipedia
Voice procedure — includes various techniques used to clarify, simplify and standardize spoken communications over two way radios, in use by the military, in civil aviation, police and fire dispatching systems, citizens band radio (CB), etc. Voice procedure… … Wikipedia
Voice over Internet Protocol — (VoIP) USA A method for transmitting voice communications over data networks such as the internet. VoIP applications enable certain electronic devices to: • Convert a caller s analog voice signal into digital data packets. • Transmit the data… … Law dictionary
Data Carrier Detect — Data Carrier Detect, abbreviated as DCD, or alternately Carrier Detect abbreviated as CD, is a control signal present inside an RS 232 serial communications cable that goes between a computer and another device, such as a modem. This signal is a… … Wikipedia