data language

data language

1. язык управления данными
2. язык описания данных

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "data language" в других словарях:

  • Data Language Interface — (Data Language/I, DL/I, Data Language/Interface, Data Language/One [1]) is the language system used to access IBM’s IMS databases, and its data communication system. It is implemented from any language by making calls to a software stub, DFSLI000 …   Wikipedia

  • Data Language/Interface — (abreviado DL/1 o DL/I) es el lenguaje de programación para acceder a las bases de datos de IMS y a su sistema de comunicación. Se implementa desde cualquier lenguaje existente realizando llamadas a un programa puente llamado DFSLI000. Este… …   Wikipedia Español

  • IBM Data Language One (DL/1) — Data Language/1 (DL/1, DL/I) is the language system used to access IBM’s IMS databases, and its data communication system.It is implemented from any language by making calls to a software stub, DFSLI000. This stub has entry points to handle a… …   Wikipedia

  • Perl Data Language — PDL (short for Perl Data Language) is a set of array programming extensions to the Perl programming language.PDL is an extension to Perl v5, intended for scientific and other data intensive programming tasks. Perl s data structures are intended… …   Wikipedia

  • GNU Data Language — Développeur Marc Schellens Dernière version …   Wikipédia en Français

  • GNU data language — Infobox Software name = GNU Data Language caption = GDL rendering the Mandelbrot set. developer = Marc Schellens released = 2004 latest release version = 0.9pre6 latest release date = November 2, 2007 programming language = C++, Python platform …   Wikipedia

  • GNU data language — Depuis 2004, GNU data language, un clone libre d Interactive Data Language (IDL) sous licence GNU GPL, est en cours de développement. À ce jour, il respecte la syntaxe d IDL en version 6.0, il implémente la plupart des procédures et fonctions… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Perl Data Language — (PDL) Класс языка: векторная (en:Array programming) Появился в: 1996 Автор(ы): Карл Глейзбрук, Шарль Бринчманн, Томас Лукка и Кристиан Соллер Релиз: 2.4.11 (20 мая 2012) …   Википедия

  • Interactive Data Language — IDL (Interactive Data Language) ist eine Software zur Analyse und Visualisierung von Daten. Die Software wird von ITT VIS (ehemals RSI Research Systems Inc.) entwickelt. Eine Array basierte Programmiersprache ist integraler Bestandteil der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Prime data language — Pour les articles homonymes, voir PDL. Prime data language (ou PDL) est un langage de description de données d instruments financiers. C est un « méta langage » à la XML avec une syntaxe différente …   Wikipédia en Français

  • D (data language specification) — D is a set of requirements for what Christopher J. Date and Hugh Darwen believe a relational database query language ought to be like. It is proposed in their book The Third Manifesto. Contents 1 Overview 2 Tutorial D 3 Implementations …   Wikipedia

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