- data interface
- интерфейс по данным;
информационное сопряжение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Data interface — Die Schnittstelle oder das Interface [ˈɪntɚfeɪs] (englisch „Grenzfläche“) ist der Teil eines Systems, der der Kommunikation dient. Der Begriff stammt ursprünglich aus der Naturwissenschaft und bezeichnet die physikalische Phasengrenze zweier… … Deutsch Wikipedia
data interface -- automatic answer — Data terminal feature that answers an incoming call (electronic mail) automatically … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Fiber distributed data interface — Pile de protocoles 7 • Application 6 • Présentation 5 • Session 4 • … Wikipédia en Français
Mission Data Interface — (MDI) is a framework designed by the US Navy to allow mission data to be exchanged between systems within a battle group. MDI implements the FORCEnet (Fn) Functional Concept[1] in accordance with the Navy Open Architecture Computing Environment… … Wikipedia
Fiber Distributed Data Interface — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) es un conjunto de estándares ISO y ANSI para la transmisión de datos en redes de computadoras de área extendida o local (LAN) mediante cable de fibra óptica. Se basa en la… … Wikipedia Español
Fiber Distributed Data Interface — Dual attach FDDI Board Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) provides a 100 Mbit/s optical standard for data transmission in a local area network that can extend in range up to 200 kilometers (120 mi). Although FDDI logical topology… … Wikipedia
Fiber Distributed Data Interface — FDDI im TCP/IP‑Protokollstapel: Anwendung HTTP IMAP SMTP DNS … Transport TCP UDP Internet … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fiber distributed data interface — (FDDI) provides a standard for data transmission in a local area network that can extend in range up to 200 kilometers (124 miles). Although FDDI protocol is a token ring network, it does not use the IEEE 802.5 token ring protocol as its basis;… … Wikipedia
Fiber Distributed Data Interface — Pile de protocoles 7. Application 6. Présentation 5. Session 4. Tr … Wikipédia en Français
Copper Distributed Data Interface — Abbreviated CDDI. A version of the FDDI standard designed to run on shielded and unshielded twisted pair cable rather than on fiber optic cable. CDDI is capable of 100Mbps data transfer rates. See also Fiber Distributed Data Interface … Dictionary of networking
Fiber Distributed Data Interface — En Computación, la FDDI (Fiber distributed data interface) se define como una topología de red local en doble anillo y con soporte físico de fibra óptica. Puede alcanzar velocidades de transmisión de hasta 100 Mbps y utiliza un método de acceso… … Enciclopedia Universal