- data exchange system
- система обмена данными
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Regional Data Exchange System — RDES (the Regional Data Exchange System on food and agricultural statistics in Asia and Pacific countries) is a unitary statistical information system which includes a database on food and agricultural statistics and the web portal of APCAS (Asia … Wikipedia
Child Language Data Exchange System — Das Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES) ist ein online zugängliches Datenbanksystem, das Inhalte, Transkripte und Analyse Werkzeuge für die Erforschung des gestörten und ungestörten Spracherwerbs von Kindern pflegt und bereitstellt. Der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Data exchange — Occurs when two systems pass each other information. For example one system may transmit electronically a transaction to another. The receiving system would acknowledge the transaction by replying to the sending system that it had received a… … International financial encyclopaedia
CAD data exchange — involves a number of software technologies and methods to translate data from one Computer aided design system to another . This PLM technology is required to facilitate collaborative work (CPD) between OEMs and their suppliers.The main topic is… … Wikipedia
Dynamic Data Exchange — (DDE) is a technology for interprocess communication under Microsoft Windows or OS/2. Contents 1 Overview 1.1 NetDDE 2 See also 3 References … Wikipedia
Dynamic Data Exchange — (DDE) механизм взаимодействия приложений в операционных системах Microsoft Windows и OS/2. Хотя этот механизм до сих пор поддерживается в последних версиях Windows, в основном он заменён на более мощные механизмы OLE, COM и Microsoft OLE… … Википедия
Legal Electronic Data Exchange Standard — The Legal Electronic Data Exchange Standard is a set of file format specifications intended to standardize bill/invoice data transmitted electronically ( e billed ) from a law firm to a corporate client. It is abbreviated LEDES and is usually… … Wikipedia
Maximum Integrated Data Acquisition System — For other uses of MIDAS , see MIDAS (disambiguation). MIDAS Example web page via mhttpd showing status of an experiment … Wikipedia
Education Data Exchange Network — The Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN) is a set of K 12 statistical reports gathered from state agencies by the US Department of Education.Formerly known as Performance Based Data Management Initiative (PBDMI), EDEN attempts to gather… … Wikipedia
Crude Oil Data Exchange — (CODE) is an electronic business standard sanctioned by the American Petroleum Institute[1]. CODE was initially implemented as the standard in 1978. It provides field formats and record layouts to facilitate the transmission of crude oil run… … Wikipedia
Micro FIKO Data EXchange — (µFDEX) est un protocole série et un système de transfert de données utilisé comme un mini LAN dans les véhicules, le domaine de la marine, de l aviation, les laboratoires, chez soi et dans tous les systèmes automatisés. µFDEX utilise les… … Wikipédia en Français