data cache
Смотреть что такое "data cache" в других словарях:
Data Cache — [dt. Datenzwischenspeicher] der, derjenige Teil des prozessorinternen Pufferspeichers (Prozessor Cache), der für Daten reserviert ist. Das Gegenstück zum Data Cache ist der Instruction Cache (Befehlszwischenspeicher, Inst Cache). Die meisten L1 … Universal-Lexikon
Caché Basic — is an object oriented scripting language designed for development of web based database applications. Developers familiar with Visual Basic will not find it too difficult to develop applications using Caché Basic.Caché Basic is integrated with… … Wikipedia
Cache — This article is about the computer science optimization concept. For other uses, see Cache (disambiguation). In computer engineering, a cache ( /ˈk … Wikipedia
Cache — Puffer; Pufferspeicher; Zwischenspeicher; Datenpuffer; Cache Memory; Cachespeicher * * * Cache 〈[kạʃ] m. 6; EDV〉 Speicher, in dem Daten vorübergehend abgelegt werden, um einen Zeitausgleich zw. den mit unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten… … Universal-Lexikon
Cache Discovery Protocol — The Cache Discovery Protocol (CDP) is an extension to the BitTorrent file distribution system. It is designed to support the discovery and utilisation of local data caches by BitTorrent peers, typically set up by ISPs wishing to minimise the… … Wikipedia
Cache pollution — describes situations where an executing computer program loads data into CPU cache unnecessarily, thus causing other needed data to be evicted from the cache into lower levels of the memory hierarchy, potentially all the way down to main memory,… … Wikipedia
Data structure alignment — is the way data is arranged and accessed in computer memory. It consists of two separate but related issues: data alignment and data structure padding. When a modern computer reads from or writes to a memory address, it will do this in word sized … Wikipedia
Cache only memory architecture — (COMA) is a computer memory organization for use in multiprocessors in which the local memories (typically DRAM) at each node are used as cache. This is in contrast to using the local memories as actual main memory, as in NUMA organizations. In… … Wikipedia
Data parallelism — (also known as loop level parallelism) is a form of parallelization of computing across multiple processors in parallel computing environments. Data parallelism focuses on distributing the data across different parallel computing nodes. It… … Wikipedia
Data: URL — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El esquema data: URI definido en las normas IETF RFC 2397 en un esquema URI que permite la inclusión de pequeños elementos de datos en línea, como si fueran referenciados hacia una fuente externa. Suelen ser mucho… … Wikipedia Español
Cache (disambiguation) — Cache may refer to:*Treasure trove, a valuable cache which has been lost, or left unclaimed by the owner, or a place where items are stored **Geocaching, an outdoor treasure hunting game **Cache (biology), a hidden place where animals store food… … Wikipedia