data bus
Смотреть что такое "data bus" в других словарях:
data bus — duomenų magistralė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. data bus; data highway; data path; dataway vok. Datenbus, m; Datenleitung, f; Datenweg, m rus. шина данных, f pranc. bus de données, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
data bus — duomenų magistralė statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Magistralė, kuria perduodami duomenys tarp kompiuterio ↑centrinio procesoriaus, ↑operatyviosios atminties ir kitų įtaisų. Duomenys gali būti perduodami lygiagrečiai arba nuosekliai.… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Data Bus System — [dt. »Datenbussystem«] (DB System), eigentlich die Gesamtheit der Verbindungen zwischen den einzelnen Computerkomponenten, über die Daten und Befehle übertragen werden. Der Datenbus (Bus) ist Bestandteil eines Data Bus Systems. Speziell… … Universal-Lexikon
data-bus system — A system architecture enabling integration in both federated and integrated modular avionics. A conventional system comprises either 8 or 16 bidirectional lines capable of carrying information to and from a central processing unit memory or an… … Aviation dictionary
data bus — /ˈdeɪtə bʌs/ (say daytuh bus) noun a main connecting channel or path for transferring data between sections of a computer system …
data bus — noun (C) technical an electronic path along which data travels from one part of a computer to another … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
data bus — connection between the CPU and the memory (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
Bus encryption — is the use of encrypted program instructions on a data bus in a computer that includes a secure cryptoprocessor for executing the encrypted instructions. Bus encryption is used primarily in electronic systems that require high security, such as… … Wikipedia
Bus contention — Bus contention, in computer design, is an undesirable state of the bus in which more than one device on the bus attempts to place values on the bus at the same time. Most bus architectures require their devices follow an arbitration protocol… … Wikipedia
Data Vault Modeling — is a database modeling method that is designed to provide historical storage of data coming in from multiple operational systems. It is also a method of looking at historical data that, apart from the modeling aspect, deals with issues such as… … Wikipedia
data — (izg. dèjta) ž mn DEFINICIJA 1. inform. podaci u obliku prikladnom za računalnu obradu [ova data] 2. općenito, podaci, utvrđene činjenice SINTAGMA data bank (izg. data bènk) inform. velika količina podataka, pojam širi od baze podataka; banka… … Hrvatski jezični portal