dash-dotted line

dash-dotted line
штрихпунктирная линия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dash-dotted line" в других словарях:

  • Nine-dotted line — (highlighted in green) as claimed by the P.R China The nine dotted line, U shape line, or nine dash map (Chinese: 南海九段线; pinyin: nánhǎi jiǔduàn xiàn; literally Nine division lines of the South China Sea ; Vietnamese: Đường lưỡi bò; literally: ox… …   Wikipedia

  • dash — Synonyms and related words: Le Mans, abruptly, aggressiveness, air race, animation, ardor, asperge, automobile race, baffle, bafflement, balk, band, bang, bar, bash, bat, be poised, beat, beat down, beating, bedew, belt, bespatter, besprinkle,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • line — Synonyms and related words: DMZ, Indian file, L, MO, Spenserian stanza, WATS, WATS line, Zeitgeist, abut, accommodation, accompaniment, accord, accordance, aceldama, acknowledgment, acquiescence, acquire, action, activity, adaptation, adaption,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Kriváň (peak) — Geobox|Mountain name = Kriváň native name = other name = category = etymology = angled nickname = country = Slovakia country state = region = Prešov district = Poprad municipality = range = High Tatras location = elevation = 2495 prominence = lat …   Wikipedia

  • Yoshizawa-Randlett system — The origami crane diagram, using the Yoshizawa Randlett system The Yoshizawa Randlett system is a diagramming system used to describe the folds of origami models. Many origami books begin with a description of basic origami techniques which are… …   Wikipedia

  • Japanese punctuation — (約物, yakumono ) includes various written marks (besides characters and numbers), which differ from those found in European languages, as well as some not used in formal Japanese writing but frequently found in more casual writing, such as… …   Wikipedia

  • dot — 1 noun (C) 1 a small round mark or spot 2 on the dot informal exactly at a particular time: on the dot of five (o clock)/at five (o clock) on the dot: Mr Green arrived at six on the dot. 3 something that looks like a small spot because it is so… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Weebl's cartoons — Jonti Picking has created many Flash cartoons, distributed on the Weebl s Stuff website. It is also published on Newgrounds: a flash portal website. Contents 1 Main series 1.1 Weebl and Bob 1.2 On The Moon 1.3 …   Wikipedia

  • Fridtjof Nansen — For other uses, see Nansen (disambiguation) and Fridtjof Nansen (disambiguation). Fridtjof Nansen Born 10 October …   Wikipedia

  • Ligne en neuf traits — Carte montrant la ligne en neuf traits (en vert) qui délimite la zone réclamée par la République populaire de Chine. La ligne en neuf traits, ligne en U ou langue de bœuf (chinois : 南海九段线 ;  pinyin : nánhǎi jiǔduàn xiàn ; …   Wikipédia en Français

  • diagonal — Synonyms and related words: across, air line, athwart, axis, band, bar, beeline, bend, bendwise, bevel, beveled, bias, biased, biaswise, catercorner, catercornered, chord, cross hatching, crossways, crosswise, dash, delineation, diameter, direct… …   Moby Thesaurus

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