dash pot
Смотреть что такое "dash pot" в других словарях:
dash-pot — [daʃpɔt] n. m. ÉTYM. XXe; mot angl., de to dash « jeter », et pot « récipient ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Techn. Appareil régulateur qui, par l intermédiaire d un fluide (air, huile), communique une liaison … Encyclopédie Universelle
dash|pot — «DASH POT», noun. a device for checking motion in a machine, consisting of a cylinder or chamber in which the movement of a piston is retarded by a cushion of air or liquid … Useful english dictionary
dash-pot — dashpot dash pot , dash pot dash pot(d[a^]sh p[o^]t ), n. (Mach.) a mechanical damping device containing a piston that moves in a fluid filled chamber to serve as a pneumatic or hydraulic cushion for a falling weight, as in the valve gear of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dash-pot — noun a mechanical damper; the vibrating part is attached to a piston that moves in a chamber filled with liquid • Hypernyms: ↑damper, ↑muffler * * * dash pot, dash wheel see dash v. III … Useful english dictionary
dash-pot — (DP) a diaphragm that controls the rate at which the throttle closes … Dictionary of automotive terms
dash-wheel — dashˈ wheel noun A washing machine in the form of a partitioned drum • • • Main Entry: ↑dash * * * dash pot, dash wheel see dash v. III … Useful english dictionary
Dash Rip Rock — is a New Orleans based rock band built around the songs of singer guitarist Bill Davis. The band is a legendary live powerhouse, often being credited with founding the musical genre known as Country Punk. The New York Times said Dash Rip Rock is… … Wikipedia
The Mad Dash — is a television game show created by Sidney M. Cohen. It first appeared in 1978 on Canada s CTV network and proved to be a family favourite based on Canada s BBM ratings. It was also shown in parts of the northern United States, a fact Mr. Cohen… … Wikipedia
dashpot — /dash pot /, n. a device for cushioning, damping, or reversing the motion of a piece of machinery, consisting of a cylinder in which a piston operates to create a pressure or vacuum on an enclosed gas or to force a fluid in or out of the chamber… … Universalium
dashpot — dash pot , dash pot dash pot(d[a^]sh p[o^]t ), n. (Mach.) a mechanical damping device containing a piston that moves in a fluid filled chamber to serve as a pneumatic or hydraulic cushion for a falling weight, as in the valve gear of a steam… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vibration isolation — is the process of isolating an object, such as a piece of equipment, from the source of vibrations. Passive isolationPassive vibration isolation systems consist essentially of a mass, spring and damper (dash pot).Active isolationActive vibration… … Wikipedia