dash off — {v.} To make, do, or finish quickly; especially, to draw, paint, or write hurriedly. * /Ann took out her drawing pad and pencil and dashed off a sketch of the Indians./ * /John can dash off several letters while Mary writes only one./ * /Charles… … Dictionary of American idioms
dash off — {v.} To make, do, or finish quickly; especially, to draw, paint, or write hurriedly. * /Ann took out her drawing pad and pencil and dashed off a sketch of the Indians./ * /John can dash off several letters while Mary writes only one./ * /Charles… … Dictionary of American idioms
dash off — verb 1. write quickly She dashed off a note to her husband saying she would not be home for supper He scratched off a thank you note to the hostess • Syn: ↑scratch off, ↑knock off, ↑toss off, ↑fling off • Topics: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
dash off — phrasal verb Word forms dash off : present tense I/you/we/they dash off he/she/it dashes off present participle dashing off past tense dashed off past participle dashed off 1) [intransitive] to leave quickly or suddenly because you are in a hurry … English dictionary
dash off — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you dash off to a place, you go there very quickly. [V P to n] He dashed off to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe... [V P to n] They dashed off to Paris for a couple of days. 2) PHRASAL VERB If you dash off a piece of writing, you… … English dictionary
dash off — verb a) To leave a place quickly or briefly. I have to dash off to the store, but Ill be back soon. b) To write quickly or informally. Let me dash off a quick note … Wiktionary
dash\ off — v To make, do, or finish quickly; especially, to draw, paint, or write hurriedly. Ann took out her drawing pad and pencil and dashed off a sketch of the Indians. John can dash off several letters while Mary writes only one. Charles had forgotten… … Словарь американских идиом
dash off — do or finish quickly, leave quickly I will dash off a letter now but then I must go to work … Idioms and examples
dash off — Synonyms and related words: ad lib, author, bat out, botch, bundle, bungle, bustle, cartoon, chalk, charcoal, chase, coauthor, collaborate, color, compose, cook up, copy, crayon, crosshatch, crowd, dash, dash on, daub, delineate, depict, design,… … Moby Thesaurus
dash off — Execute rapidly, throw off hastily … New dictionary of synonyms
dash off a note/letter — quickly write a note or letter and send it Josi dashed off a note to her cousin in Toronto in English … English idioms